RAFAC Heraldic Badges

Here’s an interesting one:


This is North Region’s Facebook profile picture. Old an non official badge, as with many. But weirdly, their’s has the ATC bit where the motto normally goes, which does look very wrong indeed.

But interestingly their latest posts use this:


They have moved from ATC to RAFAC.

And their very latest post, which is since the IBN, shows this:


So clearly their regional MCO has interpreted the IBN the same way @Baldrick and I had in the debate up this thread. Carrying on using an ‘unofficial badge’ but now with the correct logo adjacent. If regions are doing this post IBN, then I’m sorry @Wizzle and @OC.1324 but what you guys are saying just won’t stand, as much as what you are saying is the ‘correct’ interpritation of that IBN.


Yay! More ATC erasure!

I think Regions are almost feeing obliged to RAFAC over ATC due to CCF now coming under them.

I hate it.

Sqns, Wings and Regions are ATC formations. Always have been.

Now that CCFs are part-administered by regions they are suddenly not ATC any more, but RAFAC? Or is it just that people still don’t understand what the rebranding from ACO to RAFAC actually is and think that ATC has gone.

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A vomiting emoji is needed for some of these honking unauthorised badges.


Yeah, LaSER’s and North’s are pretty gopping :joy: :joy:

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Here’s the regional ones currently on Facebook:




Wales and West doesn’t appear to have one? Honestly, not having one is better than some! I like S&NI’s the most. Still has ATC too, but could do with their own motto.

The only one of those that would meet the current standards is C&E. The falcon and motto on S&NI render it not sufficiently distinctive.

Agreed, I just like the look of it :stuck_out_tongue:

C&E is actually a proper one.

Also, W&W does have a proper one too on the register!


Just not used anywhere I could find initially.

So, 50% of the regions that can have their badges on public facing media don’t: but 100% of those that don’t have acceptable badges do.



Also, what I said above about North region’s interpretation of the IBN applies to S&NI too then. As they added their badge + logo profile picture after the IBN was published. But their badge is not approved. Once again affirming what @Baldrick and I were saying above yesterday…

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Sad, but true. I think the best COA at this stage is to withdraw, redraft, and re-issue the IBN.


And re-issue new branding guidelines that are in line with what is wanted.

In fact, all we need is a new branding guidelines documents with an IBN pointing to the new documents and highlighting the changes and/or highlighting the common things not being complied with.

In the short term it’s okay for an IBN to overrule policy (like the one about not having to wear ties with jumpers): but it should call out those changes (as that one did WRT AP1358), and the changes should follow in a timely manner (again, as did with AP1358).

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Don’t know whether to laugh or cry at this thread.

The state this organisation is in, lack of funding to run events / pay volunteers appropriately, being pushed further and further away from our parent service and badges & branding seem to have become an organisational priority.

My feelings right now are:

HQAC - Put as much effort into volunteer retention and getting the job back on track, push back on Air Media and tell them we’re ran by volunteers and this ain’t a priority.

CFAV: If you’ve got time to get emotional at other Region / Wing / Squadron Crests, I question if you’re in the corps for the right reason… go do a qual that will benefit your fellow staff & cadets rather than spend it playing “badge police”


Admittedly I haven’t read all 655 posts, but if I want to keep using my sqns badge then it needs to follow the convention?

Badges, even if not formally approved, should follow the defined convention. Badges not using these conventions are not to be used on any Royal Air Force Air Cadet publications, media or signage

I refer you to @Wizzle’s earlier post.

I don’t understand your point.

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If your badge isn’t official (official being sanctioned by the Inspectorate of RAF Badges) then use ATC or CCF badge.

What squadron is going to want to lose their individual identity on a profile picture? None. Hence why a template would be useful to help squadrons make a badge that complies with defined conventions, especially when you only have 3 weeks to do it.

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