I’ve been completely disengaged and disinterested in Astra since day 1, it simply doesn’t mean anything. There’s no compelling reason to be involved, there’s no tangible ‘thing’ that can be pointed to.

It’s a vanity exercise that means precisely nothing to the frontline.

I understand that they are accepting so-called story boards from the wider CFAV population, but I’m not entirely sure what that entails and I’m yet to find clarity on how a determination is made as to the suitability of a particular idea.

Ideally, it would be assessed not only for cost, ROI and impact on customers, but also against other change ideas within the organisation to identify if there are any areas of dependency or any conflicting projects/ideas. Whilst I know they have a nominal PMO, I’m yet to see their TORs to see whether they’re acting in such a way or if they’re there in name only. Let alone how that PMO would then interact with a Programme or Portfolio Board.

I take it you Wing has engaged with the ASTRA team and had a brief then.

We had one at our conference by a WO. Came across very well and answered all questions as a CFAV, not a HQAC crony.

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Future editions of this quarterly newsletter

This in the June 2023 newsletter, number of newsletter’s released since then 0.

Once again we’ve shot ourselves in the foot by over promising, I suspect because this is volunteer driven and life gets in the way, it’s either that or all the time being spent on FoIs!!

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What they delivered was mission command intent.

They intended to produce the newsletter quarterly.

Just in the same way many of us have promised the other half that we intend to re-tile the bathroom……