Qualification Currency

:speak_no_evil: :innocent:

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I think people will be surprised when they count stuff (assuming log books are up to date). I thought I might be a bit close to the wire with my MTB stuff, but turns out I have upwards of 40 sessions in the past 5 years. That’s before I even start to count paddling & walking.


I need to have a good log book sort out soon. I was running multiple climbing sessions a week in 2019 (not just cadet related) and I don’t think any of them are on DLOG :sweat_smile:

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This was the source of a great deal of pain when I came to do my Lowland Leader course director stuff and none of my lowland walking was on DLOG, only my mountain stuff. Now everything goes on there!

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Sounds similar to me. All I’ve kept up to date is mountain days as I upload the gpx at the end of each day.

Logging climbing sessions becomes too much of a faff. Finish work at five, drive to climbing centre, run 2 hour session. Get home at 2200, eat then sleep…


None of my walking is in DLOG at the moment because I like to log all my DofE supervision too (which obviously helps for assessor reaccreditation!), so I keep them all in a little database where I can also mark up specific D of E days which were also QMDs (and provides extra stats in total number of days / expeds / per D of E level, etc)

And, the pain of trying to work out the UKC format so I can export my days in a suitable format to import them to DLOG. I keep meaning to (ab)use the extra Tahdah support that MTA members get to see if they can help with it…

For our requirements of course there is no need to use DLOG - that only becomes a problem when you want to further your Mountain Training quals.

I have an excel logbook for everything else and just periodically do a data dump from DLOG including all my walking & personal climbing.

do you use the automatic import?

No, I spent a long time transferring the majority of stuff manually as it came from my paper logbook.

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yeh, I knew about that :smiley: I was trying to import my QMDs too, but I think that’s a square peg / round hole situation…

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Ah I see. Not sure how that works. Not personally transferred anything between UKC and DLOG, but knew that a proper way existed!

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Would be helpful if Mountain Training allowed you to give someone else permission to view your DLOG to save downloading the CSV and then emailing it off.

Er…they do?

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I knew course directors could, but I’ve just emailed off a copy of my DLOG to my WATTO.

I was thinking like on a Google document where you can just send someone a link to view it. Or is that also an option and I’m just being thick?

That is indeed an option… On your DLOG there’s a ‘share’ tab where you can get a link.


Amazing… well done me :laughing:

Thanks for the heads up though.

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It can be used for anyone. For example if you want to do a course like the winter mountain skills Andy will ask to share your DLOG with him in the same way :slight_smile:

Also a great feature, talking of sharing, is adding people to your QMDs. Or in my case, getting the other person you were out walking with to do their log and tag me in it so it shows up in mine and I don’t forget to log it as I’m useless!

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Unless they also hope you’ll do that :wink:

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“oh looks like my phone didn’t record the gpx, did yours” “yes” “sweet, you can do the log then” :rofl::rofl: