Painting the Squadron

But what if they sue?
That’s all RFCA will be thinking.

It’s pathetic.

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What if you simply blocked off the ramp, and treated it as a single step?

a really tall step with a diagonal bar across it!

I mean, if some oik were to remove the diagonal bar, that would be a real…shame.

One pack of something like this, one masonry drill bit + drill, 30 mins, job done. :wink:


Now if the"yobs" were to come back and fix it under the cover of dark would that count as self help?


Just use the fire exit and make cadets carry a fire extinguisher round with them :thinking:

No.but it equally wouldnt be a signed off repair either.
I tried a similar thing. Was told unequivocally that the “repair job” being done by unauthorised persons had caused more damage than the vandalism.

This was balls. As the repair was completed by a competent local builder.
rfca just got upset as they couldnt bill the MOD £10 for 1 screw!