Over 18 Cadet joining Reserves

Must confess that when I was a senior cadet, I lived and breathed the organisation because it was awesome.

With the option of staff-like levels of responsibility, I’d have been developed even more as an individual and the organisation, or at least the squadron, would have benefited even more.


Not yet nor do intend to be but i can see why you’d assume that :sweat_smile:

Either i’ve been cursed with underwhelming staff or blessed with spectacular staff cadets, most likely both

To be fair I’ve certainly had U6 cadets who were far more useful than certain CFAVs when it came to delivering the cadet experience, sometimes because they don’t have the responsibilities that older staff have, other times because the particular staff member was a chocolate teapot

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I’ll echo this, one of my current staff cadets is worth more than at least 2 of my current CIs I look forward to retaining them in 18 months time as a new officer.


I can relate to this. Honestly in retrospect the level of commitment the staff expected of us was almost cult like.

Treat 18 year olds like kids, they will behave like kids.
Treat them like adults they will behave like adults but without the cynicism of us older staff.

Seriously though it was not so long ago that most would leave school at 15 and enter the world of work. I feet that modern society is not preparing young people for adult hood. 17 you are a child and can’t to anything and 18 you are a adult, don’t mess it up.

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You can argue the same for CI’s, many of whom give as much, if not more of their time than uniformed staff. It would be on recommendation of the WSo or WingCo, as I appreciate that some CI’s give a specific amount of time dependant on their skill set/availability.