If events are organised on Bader with allocated spaces, X from this Sqn, Y from that sqn, etc, then you absolutely can look through and “pre-sift” cadets.
There was work in progress to add criteria for events, last I heard Digital Team were going to work on AEF/VGS criteria first as thats nice and easy. Haven’t heard anything about it for a long time.
Just seen that QR codes only work if event has been promulgated via CP. Tell me, as a technophobe, what is supposed to happen if I scan the QR code? Just tried it on an event, took me took a link to a sign-up sheet, clicked link, which took me to ets.Bader.mod.uk and then it crashed. Just said Error and apologised.
There are lots of issues around cadets nominating themselves.
From my POV as a wing staff officer if I am putting on a big event I will have my own criteria that I want to apply… I might not want to spend hours asking every squadron which of their cadets I should select, so I only have data from SMS to go from.
So if they are qualled up, the right age etc.
However the squadron could have two or three cadets bidding, that on paper look the same, but the squadron OC could have attendance issues with one, discipline issues with another, and the third cadet with the most interest in the activity.
As far as I can see for that one space it will end up as pot luck, whereas the OC might well have a very strong preference for which they would like to send.
It’s a Cadet Portal link, so won’t work for you with a staff account.
Unsure whether it needs to be pushed to the portal by sqn staff for the QR to work (although I wouldn’t see why not), but why wouldn’t it be pushed already anyway if you were advertising it on a notice board?
You can uncheck the box to not have the manual sign up section if you wish.
Something I do occasionally is take a snip and paste into a doc so I can fit multiple QRs on one page. Depends on how many there are and how much text there is.
Interesting - if I click on an event and it takes me into the event itself ie with the Detail, CP, Cadets, Staff etc tabs, I can see the red and green circles but neither the View option not the My Attendees button. Am I looking in the wrong place? Advice please anyone?
I’m sure it came up early days to have a “grace period” after the deadline where Sqn’s were notified and prompted to review bids.
Of course, although more than nothing, one email post deadline to all units with bids asking them to review their cadets by x day when the AC will be confirming is one solution - if they don’t remove a cadet they don’t want going then that’s their problem.
Better (and surely not that difficult) to automate that prompt though…
Ah, thank you, that worked! All I need to do now is find some where to fix my bins to my laptop so I can read it lol. Shame it doesn’t tell you there is more (hidden) info though, or had a horizontal scroll bar thing at the bottom. Now I know!!
trouble is that My Events has been designed for tiles, and list view was a bolt on after enough of us complained. so to have the same information in both you need the horizontal scroll.
Much prefer Lists, you can see so much more at the same time without having to scroll/roll/page up/down.
Thanks for the info btw, every day is a school day - must remember to show my staff (all quite a bit younger than me!) what an IT wizard I am!