Make new friends, Have Fun, Earn BTECs

The scouts just rebranded and are now using the tag line “skills for life”
Similar vein. I guess it’s aimed at the parents, to reassure them that their darling is learning useful stuff while also having fun?

I suppose we can’t go for the tag line “Very cheap babysitting”, can we?


Back in the days when Knights were bold and monkeys chewed tobacco(ie when I was a cadet).When I joined I was attracted by the air element of the ATC. Has it really come to the point when we appeal to parents that “ohh look we can get them even more qualifications than the 21 other exams your child is currently studying for”.What happened to cadets being fun and it being sold as such with some life skills thrown in?


People would get into a hissy fit about proving it was fun. Adverts have to be accurate. We can’t prove or guarantee fun. We can prove BTECs.

Ah yes fun cant be having any of that now can we.

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Because kids these days seem to be so busy doing everything else and feel so much pressure (from parents, peers or otherwise) to perform well academicly, that they need/want the extra stuff.

Oh they certainly are under pressure to do well academically from their parents.But surely the organisation should be offering an escape from that not more of it.The unhealthy obsession with academic qualifications to me is a bad path to follow.Everyone it seems MUST go to University nowadays.My question is why?.Ive seen the results turn up in my employment career.Oh yes they are well qualified (by the book) but life skill wise and being able to do the job they have been employed to do is woeful.
Earlier this year my old unit was basically torn apart by the quite ridiculous amounts of “study leave” cadets were taking in year 11 especially.

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Try being on a CCF and losing everyone to study leave twice a year. When I was in I found going to cadets was a welcome break from revision, but these days kids get worked so bloody hard on the exams that it’s a miracle more of them don’t burn out.


I was a cadet to get away from the durge of school…

Join the cadets they said - pay money, wear silly clothes, do more exams they said…

Has Sleaford Tech become a depository for a failing Care in the Community scheme?


Why not my Committee are just a lost bus trip for help the aged.


Is someone able to send a pic of these new leaflets? Or are they available for download?

I completely agree with everything everyone has said about going to cadets to get away/relax during exam season etc etc.
However we aren’t producing these leaflets in order to change the way the nation thinks. We are producing these leaflets to promote an aspect of the air cadets. An aspect that “we” hope will get parents and (probably the ~15/16+ year old) young people to join.

The everyone go to university angle was a politically motivated “suggestion” to reduce teenagers on the dole in the 90s and along with school league tables stoke parental paranoia. I’ve seen a number of graduates come into the workplace where it seems they wasted 3 or 4 years of their life.

These leaflets seem to be designed. from the description. to appeal to parents, with the extra qualifications which in the grand scheme are worthless, alongside proper formal examinations.

he started it - the education system set in place a process which hasn’t been heavily changed since - some mediocre moves for more apprenticeships but the expectation is uni based on what occured 15-20 years ago

Arghhh!! next to Cameron (who styled himself as the heir to Blair) the worst Prime minister of my lifetime has to be the Blair creature a charlatan and snake oil salesman of galactic proportions.

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Don’t forget that genius of economic theory, the Brown terror, fool and bigot.

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AKA The man who stole my pension and sold the country s gold at the bottom of the market.


I prefer skills for life to the goppingly awful ‘everyday adventure’ - but Be Prepared is still the best!