L103 DP Drill Purpose Rifle Impact of Recall

Hi @Squirrel CTR18 doesn’t specify, but it is in ACTO 043, Para 17

  1. While every effort should be made to provide one safety supervisor to each firer
    particularly the first time they fire, the following ratios are advised for both adults and cadets:
    a. Inexperienced Firers. No supervisor should be responsible for more than three
    firers. The RCO may, if he or she deems it appropriate for safety or training reasons,
    require specific individuals to have their own supervisor.
    b. Experienced Firers. The number of supervisors may be reduced provided that
    the RCO is satisfied that all aspects of safety and control can be maintained.
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How many units have more that 2 points on an AR range however? In my experience most RCO’s want 1:1 or at most 1:2 with new firers anyway so not that big a deal.

I like the driving analogy.

At present, our weapons training syllabus is essentially to learn almost all of driving on a simulator, take the test on the simulator and then start driving round the town centre on the first ever time behind the wheel of a car.


We do, 3P capable. :wink:

Long time ago we used to use either No 8s or at weekends if our TA cetre was open, SLRs with H&K conversions kits down to .22 on a 25m indoor range. Great fun.

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.22 conversion kits are still a thing with the L98A2 - we have 4. Used to have 8, which is handy with an 8 lane range.

I havent seen the A2 varients, are they any good? We had 10 A1 kits that after one weekend became 0.

They seem to be more reliable than the older ones, not breaking firing pins as much.

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Never broken a firing pin on the A1 version, to be honest, but we don’t use them loads.

Thought they were a no no or have things changed?

They are fine to be used, so long as they are the updated ones.

We use them on our short range course (as do 3 SATT) due to the challenges bringing to CSBTR into service

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They are part of the equipment for the L98A2 and there’s no ban on them - the Army have priority on this.

We lent ours to 3SATT in fact for a range course about a year ago.