It's Not What It Used To Be (Lost Activities)

Being refused VA for things that are in ACP300 isn’t exactly a new tbing




aimed at the local comp down the road :smiley:

L81 and the L144

ACF parachuting

@Cab any comment Sir?

It also says “a ccf unit was already there”, also jumping.

@Cab we’ve beg told there is no way we can do this activity and been given every excuse under the sun. How can the ACF do it but we can’t? This is inexcusable.


Gliding, I understand from a number of HQAC sources that a senior RAF bod was told by a senior BGA person that said BGA person wouldn’t let his kids fly from most clubs as they were not safe, hence the ban on gliding. They can’t openly criticise the ACF, but the private feeling is that the ACF are being dangerous and not taking the proper precautions. I’d imagine that’s the private thought process about ACF and parachuting, but no one has the courage to come out and say it (maybe because RAFAC would then be shown up for being too risk adverse).

But really, if one branch of the MOD thinks another branch is being dangerous, then it needs calling out.

Would they put that in writing, or is it hearsay to justify the ban?

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Or a gut feeling?

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I’m calling bovine excrement. Has anyone from HQAC asked Air Marshal Phil Sturley how safe his club is?
It’s not easy to be signed off as a BGA Junior Centre.


Yeah, the words empire protecting are running at full tilt towards this conversation…

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Leroy Jethro Gibbs ain’t in HQAC.

I’d pay to watch that episode of NCIS.

headslaps included


I’m not saying it’s true, but that’s the story I’ve been given off the record by more than one person.

Haddon-Cave had a lot to say about normalised deviance after XV230

Car parking, I understand from a number of HQAC sources that a senior RAF bod was told by a senior ACF bod that 156 army cadets had been killed or seriously injured while pointing in the direction they wanted slow moving cars to go and they are keeping it hushed up, hence the ban on car parking.

It’s on the internet, so it must be true!

Or a cunning ruse to get the RAFAC out of the way.

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I’d tell them to look at the stats. (For BGA training - individual BGA members can and do do stupid things)