Israel and Gaza 2023

It’s mainly because they lack organisation.

Is it they lack organisation or just that there are not that many of them and the tag XRW is just a label to close down debate and discussion as the Overton window has moved so far to the left. We very rarely see the tag far-left used at all.


They haven’t got the numbers either, they can’t even get a decent sized protest group out these days let alone any form of direct action.

The last time you saw a decent number of far right out together was for the “protect the statues” stupidity during BLM.

Piers Corbyn and his lunacy of the week (it was anti-vax it’s currently ULEZ) are the closest you get to a regular right wing group (his supporters more than him) and they certainly aren’t extremists.

Maybe the Football Lads Alliance (FLA) but even they lost their steam since they split into the FLA and the Democratic Football Lads Alliance.

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Are they right wing though?

I must have missed this one, but an excellent interview by the PLO Ambassador to the UK.

Worth watching the full 5 minutes.

He naturally summarised what I was trying to convey much better. That’s why he’s an ambassador and I’m an overpaid pencil-pusher!

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Yeah pretty much with the exception of Palace who have a left wing group.

None of the groups meet the extreme catergory though.



Was that the lot who clashed with police when the protest they came to counter didn’t turn up, and all drank so much while they waited to protect the statues that they peed on them?


Yeah, it’s where the numpty peed on Keith Palmers memorial and got 14 days for outraging public decency.

BLM did turn up and there was a violent disorder in Trafalgar Square, BLM we’e running round with machetes and all sorts although the press didn’t seem to mention that bit.

Just found the news report, horrendously one sided compared to the reality. I ended up fighting both sides at different points that day, there was an ITN News crew present when BLM were throwing thunder flashes and bottles at us, footage not used.


I don’t think they were the organised protest though, just some nuts looking to fight the white lot of “historians”. The history buffs then clashed with the police trying to reach the nuts.

Basically everyone was looking for a fight.

I’ve just edited my comment above, it was the same BLM guys we had been fighting for a week at that point, hell they even used an active push from mounted at one of the protests and that’s the highest level of force we have available (in public order) short of Baton Guns.

I don’t doubt the ones fighting you were the same, but by that point, it wasn’t an ‘organised’ BLM protest, that had been called off. Those who went were looking for a fight.

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So again, I’m late to the news, but it seems we’re now providing military support to Israel as they commit war crimes (collective punishment as described by the Israeli president, forcing civilians to move, attacking them indiscriminately).

What Hamas did was inexcusable. What follows brings shame on us for blindly supporting it.

Russia are rightly given no quarter in this regard. Why are we supporting Israel’s actions?

And these actions aren’t helping with the rise in anti-semitism around the globe (which, along with anti-Muslim sentiment, spike when this sort of thing kicks off). They’re handing the racists a valid excuse on a silver platter. Because again, these are war crimes.

I fully support Israel in their action, full stop, period. History is a wonderful teacher!

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I understand it, but I can’t fully support something which certainly falls within the definition of a crime against humanity and which probably ticks the war crimes/genocide boxes too.


I sometimes wonder whether I can take Bob at his word.

I wonder how far one can extrapolate before considering an order illegal…

“Move that ship over there” — not illegal.

“Move that ship over there so we can signal military support for a war crime” — illegal?

Bob here has clearly seen the Teflon shaped void and is moving to fill it.

You can as I say read history.

Nope, Teflon was his own man. Israel is the only democratic state in the region.

As an analogy if someone kidnapped and murdered your family what would you want your state to do?

A two state solos the only answer but the Palestinians will not accept that, their representatives only follow the mantra ‘From the river to the sea’ in other words the destruction of Israel.

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I wouldn’t want my country to go and kill some other innocent family in revenge?

It’s hardly rocket science?