Even a helpdesk ticket won’t help now, it’s email only
But on the serious note, yes, contacting helpdesk is normally the only way I’ve found of getting rid of these issues. For now you have to email helpdesk@rafac.mod.gov.uk rather than raising a ticket.
Did the update go live?
It’s a shame the cadet has had to retake it so many times. I have heard Ultilearn is getting a fix applied in the next few days to prevent this happening in the future.
The qualification must be manually inputted into SMS anyway (Ultilearn doesn’t send anything about this course to SMS), so if you are sure the cadet has completed both bronze modules, issue them with a certificate and add it to their SMS record
I’m assuming not as the last update said it would be the 26th but details will be provided if that happens, and I’ve not seen anything?
This is the issue ongoing an unresolved for months. Unfortunately the talk of a new system “coming” seems to remove any effort to resolve these type of issues with the current system.