Don’t know if army policy has changed but professional nurses still currently do the short specialist IOT rather than the full.
PM officers do the third semester of IOT main course, plus extra weeks to make a full 12 week course. I did only 4 weeks, which looking back left us unprepared to step outside of Cranwell.
There’s a kind of precedent for this with the ROC (except they had different enlisted ranks too, as they weren’t SP and therefore couldn’t be NCOs): but I wouldn’t for one moment suggest RAFAC should go down that route. Much better for cadets to learn RAF ranks by osmosis (which means having all the ranks: not just a few of them).
I feel like I’d support this, only in the instance that HQ persist in their removal of Flt Lt Unpaid after X years. I guess the hassle would come from needing new cap badges and all that jazz, rather than simply reranking and new slides to go back down to Fg Off…
But then again why punish the NCOs just because HQ wants to think of their officers as in training forever?
From experience I would say that there are a disproportionately high amount of adult uniformed members of every cadet force who would never have made it into the real regular armed forces. But you have to remember that all cadet forces are youth organisations and not the real armed forces. Im not trying to sound rude but some people accross all cadet forces sometimes need a reality check. I rember a few years ago I was asked to take my medals off on a remembrance day parade and when I asked why I was told that it made some of the higher ranking adults (who had never served) look bad. I obviously refused but it didng go down well.
Were you a cadet, or ex-forces as I’m a little confused by your other post
Of all the things that never happened, this never happened the most
Worth remembering that a lot (the majority?) of CFAVs do not want to be in the armed forces.
Could it be because?
Maybe they found something and that’s why your application isn’t going anywhere? After all why are you still posting boring made up rubbish on a forum for an organisation you claim not to want to join anymore?
I always thought this was an urban legend…
It’s incredible to actually actually speak to the person it happened to! Were you also the second guy on the balcony?
Buckingham palace, the Iranian embassy or the globe theatre?
Can’t remember which one is more ally…
Sorry to be stuck on this but I struggled to sleep with your posts, could you do me a solid and explain what your situation was in regards to the medals. Ex-military, Ex-cadet who bought medals off cadet direct or you wore your relative’s medals
I need to sleep tonight…
Women’s Auxillary Balloon Corps, did 2 tours of Skegness Butlins, got VD and Bar.
He’ll be claiming that he use to be a chief constable next….
You do not know the relief that has been bestowed upon me, this appears plausible and I’m now looking for my Rafa bear and blankie
I feel like this is quite pertinent
It shows the safeguarding team is making sound decisions, so the spiral isn’t that steep

It shows the safeguarding team is making sound decisions, so the spiral isn’t that steep
I think HQ is getting a lot better handle on their parts of the org - they are just not the best in communicating as such.

I rember a few years ago I was asked to take my medals off on a remembrance day parade
Well that’s because Nijmegen & Dodentocht medals aren’t allowed. Not least when they’ve been bought off eBay without actually completing either.