Inclusive Ceremony of Remembrance (/“Secularisation Thread”)

Could there be an argument here for a “safeguarding regulator” either similar to how financial ombudsman service operate with complaints with finance or Ofgem with energy. Or taking over the complaint as an independent entity. Personally although I appreciate this is a religious slanted debate on this topic, there have been safeguarding problems in several youth groups over the years not just the church and including the ATC with the one of the most famous cases happening between 1981-1995, that individual was jailed in 2019. Safeguarding for RAFAC isn’t dealt with by an independent body unless social services or the police get involved. I think we as an organisation are naturally in a better place than the 80/90s regarding safeguarding etc but on the flip side, it takes one “bad apple” and cover ups could easily happen, if that was at local or Wing Level.


Isn’t that part of the Children’s Commissioner’s remit?

If anyone tries to cover up abuse they need removal from the organisation and charging with the offence of perverting the course of justice, assisting an offender or similar. A custodial sentence needs to follow where they can meet Big Billy in the showers!

Her job is to tell people why children’s rights are so important and to look at how the decisions made by public bodies in Wales, including Welsh Government, affect children’s rights.

Childrens commissioner for Wales

Devolution. :roll_eyes:

is this a dig at the idea of a children’s commissioners orrr?

Not sure if you’re aware but England has one as well and the roles are largely identical, except for Youth Justice (English one covers wales because Westminster is stubborn) and matters affecting specifically Immigrant children (The english one covers the whole UK, again because Westminster)

No, it’s a dig at devolution and how too many UK government appointments and some whole departments only cover ‘England’ now.

And? Scotland and Wales were just about sick of misaligned Westminster Governments during the Thatcher/Major years and again under Cameron- Sunak

so yeah Devolved powers are good for those countries

I’m ignoring NI because thats a whole different can



Sorry boss…
But it can be difficult discussing devolved matters without referencing the politics behind it.

Compare Education in England, Wales and Scotland - it’s getting worse in Scotland, hugely so since it was devolved

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