How much impact could a new government have on RAFAC in reality?

As we all know, we now have a new government. Does anyone know if they have said anything about cadets, or if they have/had any plans for the cadet forces?

I do feel obligated to say this, no fighting over politics, no “this party would be better than that one” etc etc. Whilst this is about politics, I ask that it doesn’t become a political decision.

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I imagine they anything in the immediate -short term will be from the Education/communities angle.

We’ll have to see what the defence review says, but I’m betting money on ‘no real change’.

If they were serious about throwing the kitchen sink at defence, they’d have either already announced 3% GDP for defence, or scrapped anything that isn’t fighty-killy. They’ve not done so, so my assumption is that it’ll just be a continuation of not enough butter, spread over too much bread…

(I voted Labour, and campaigned from them - to take the politics out of it)

Im pretty confident it will be decades before more funding from government would be sent to the cadet forces…thats even if it was to happen which is unlikely.

I think we need to accept this is the new norm, even as depressing as that sounds.


More importantly, do we have comparable figures for RAFAC funding to argue with?

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Just point at our paid staff, or the lack there of because of the recruitment pause. Surely that’s enough of a ‘funding’ cut on its own!

This all in the context of the OBR and IFS agreeing with Rachel Reeves that there really was a £22Bn hole in the Tory Budgets…

At least Brown’s government had the decency to admit there was no money when they left…