Hello from LaSER Rgnl ShO

I just realised. I am aware of one fatality which took place during a cadet shoot.

He was struck by lightning.

Which kind of puts the likelihood of the risk of a GSW in context.


Wow new one for me.
Got a report link or something.
Morbid curiosity!

Poor sod.

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No clue. It happened about 30+ years ago by a rough reckoning. My former OC was about 20 years older than me as a 21 year old CI, and she had been a cadet on the range when it happened, I’m now 32.

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Mid to late 80s I think, ex Dorset/Wilts Wg cdt who had moved to Cornwall; unless we’ve more than one lightning strike that is!

It was defo Cornwall, so that checks out.

Turn back all ye who enter here…


I recall hearing of an incident which happened well over 30 years ago, son of a CFAV, GSW, possib fatal, Midlands.