H&S missing the audience?

I once had a caravan! That was a nightmare to get rid of

having just read the ramblings of someone who doesn’t know the difference between a H&S issue and a legal one…

you also fail to notice that the derision with which this latest missive is received is caused as much by the Donald creatures past record as by the subject matter - if you think H&S is important, then you need its message to be credible. it appers to me that by continuing to employ a man held in utter contempt by the workforce, a man who’se every utterance is automatically judged as self-licking drivel, the ACO is working hard to push H&S as far down its workforces agenda as possible…[/quote]
To me, it starts with him listing every post-nominal he has, everywhere he can list them. Every document, every PP slide, every email, they all have this string of letters on which suggests to me that he has an ego the size of Argentina.

I have absolutely no time for H&S Nazis who push out any old crap solely to justify their positions.

I could have used an H&S Nazi when I slipped off the track of a Tiger tank…

“For you, ze battlefield tour iss over. I haff to report ziss…acczedent…to Donalt in accordance wiz AZeeP Fife. Now, VOTT ISS YOUR NAME?!!”…

“Don’t tell him, GOM”…

Knotweed might come under his post as Chief Environment & Safety Officer… But that article is nothing to do with Health and Safety.
If it’s such a genuine environmental concern then something should be promulgated to that effect.

Every time Donald puts out another ridiculous newsletter, or posts another pointless “Lesson Learned” his credibility drops.

As I mention above, sooner or later we’re going to miss something important because we all just think "What’s this Donald has put out? Can’t be anything of use…"
It’s fast becoming a case of ‘the boy who cried knotweed’.

I would agree nearly every safety guy I meet wants to run his post nominals in your face, I think it is something they insert when they
Remove your common sense!!! Whilst Donald is not the best trust me when I say he is definitely not the worst and no where near the worst I met In this organisation. Safety newsletters should be brief and to the point something which we would all agree is lacking, the vast majority of organisation run HSE newsletters: Health, Safety and Environmental which is probably what Donald is probably trying to do! the subject matter was whilst we may not all agree relevant but did not need the full war and peace volume we received, how many Sqns would just look then cut it back regardless and cause it to get worse never mind break the law.

I should see if I can find proper health and safety newsletter drivel for you to appreciate,
It was on how to avoid having your vehicle rear ended… The vehicle in question was sitting in a traffic jam on the M25!!!

I think this is thread is more about bashing Donald and his failings than what is being said, and what he is trying to do.
Which is pretty sad!

actually, its frightening - the disdain the ACO obviously has for this chod means that its quite possible that anything sensible put out under the H&S banner is going to be ignored as ‘its just Donald and his utter mongery, throw it in the bin…’. HQAC is causing this, they obviously don’t read his endless, interminable drivel and therefore don’t realise how obvious, irrelevent or wrong it all is and the effect this has on the safety/thought culture within the ACO.

easy way to solve the problem - ban him from directly contacting the units/wings/regions and have his output go through CAC, and moreover have such H&S broadcasts take up no more room than a single text message. brevity is the key to absorbsion… endless streams of longwinded rubbish does precisely the opposite.

[quote=“angus” post=20813]
…and therefore don’t realise how obvious, irrelevant [/quote]

you mean like his emails addressed to the whole Corps that his laptop is broken and cannot access DII, please contact him via his @aircadets.org email address?

i’m no H&S guru and that goes for my life at Sqn too but it doesn’t take a genius to suggest when emailing the Corps H&S officer i would use the corps email system (ie @aircadets.org)…rather than a system (DII) we don’t use and an email address i have never seen!

[/Donald bashing]

What a thread, haven’t laughed so much in my life :wink:

And just remember, window licking can be dangerous!

Regrettably, he’s still a key feature in SCC, OIC & SSIC where he will talk at length about his role, “Total Safety” and other such items. This in itself was quite interesting. However, when it came to Q&A, several people who raised issues with him about their units, process, protocol or queries about ACP5 - unfortunately, his responses were awful and undermined everybody’s confidence in him as an individual and a professional - regardless of his post nominals. In one incident, OC ATF had to intervene after Donald dug himself a rather large hole and decided to jump in feet first without adequate risk assessment. Unfortunately, in one instance, the person asking the questions was an investigator for HSE…

Whilst I don’t give the guy much credibility myself, I do like his dedication to duty and his massive H&S Annual Report - I do wish other areas of HQAC would invest so much time & effort into publicising their own successes. Or, indeed, giving us some comical talking points for the next 12 months! :slight_smile:

:ohmy: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Massive report or not, the guy is a joke.

It is regrettable that something so important to the organisation (and think what you will, safety is important) becomes such a laughing stock because of one person.

There are plenty of useful reminders that could be sent out, near misses, guidance and tips for dealing with certain things. The case of the range near miss that happened the other month was a reasonable one. It’s summer, he could have reminded us of the need to have people trained in food handling for BBQs, or given us the symptoms of heat exhaustion/dehydration as a reminder. He could have told of the increase in people being diagnosed with Lyme’s disease, or the symptoms of Weil’s disease and how to approach a GP with suspected symptoms.

We could have had something about flood protection for the week or two of very wet weather we had. How to check and see if your gas cookers need replacing. He could be looking at ways of getting sqns to recycle (or actually have a bin collection!).

I agree with BF though, he clearly puts in a lot of money and effort into glossy reports, and the accident reports in the one before last gave me a laugh for weeks. If other departments did the same it would be a great success!

Unfortunately I think they do and probably of the opinion he’s doing a good job and the sun shines from his dark place, because he gets them a nice shiny thing each year which means someone will get the photcall and stand there like a grinning ninny.