Going flying in air cadets

Makes sense, thanks.

Yet for First Aid, Shooting, Fieldcraft etc there is no alternative to No3. Officers get issued berets that they can’t actually wear unless wearing No3. None of it makes sense, just issue the damn greens, to staff at the least.


We allow either. CCF units are scaled for MTP/PCS as well as No2. Those wearing skirts are to change into some form of trouser. A couple of years ago, the Air Safety Team funded a study onto the fire retardancy of cadet clothing. At the time No2s were deemed the most suitable due to the high cotton content however a study into MTP/PCS showed that it had similar properties.

Some cadets prefer to change into trainers so not to scuff their toe caps when getting in or out of the aircraft.

Not true. CCF(RAF) are only scaled for no. 2s, the same as Air Training Corps cadets.

Many do in fact have access to second hand MTP-PCS from their Army sections, although strictly they shouldn’t. The only official issue was that when MTP-PCS was introduced, Army sections of CCFs were told to give their old DPMs to the RAF sections instead of backloading them.

I believe actual flame tests were conducted on the no. 2/flying suit combo by RAFCAM, for what it’s worth, and I don’t know if the same applies to PCS.

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The units that come to us tell me they are scaled for it :man_shrugging:t3:

I don’t recall seeing you at the ASMT presentation of the fire test results to 6FTS?

Not strictly true no. 2 aef orders give a choice, well the latest one do at least

3. Cadets expecting to fly should arrive dressed in No. 2 SD or ideally PCS (no synthetic T-shirts).

In short, ,follow the guidelines laid out in ACTO31. If cadets wish to change into trainers then that’s fine. Your local AEF may have some specific instructions so it’s best to get guidance from them on those.


Staff said on final parade to ask him if you would like to go flying. What specifically should I say?

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Sir I’d like my name in the hat to go flying please. I’ve been a cadet since X and have not had a chance yet, and would be keen to get in the air! Thank you.

Or something to that effect.

Try not to over think this :slight_smile:


I can read the digest of the report without actually being there!

And the units that come to you are lying, unless they are CCF(Army) in which case we have a bigger problem.


If a CCF(RAF) cadet is issued PCS by their school then claims they were issued it (which, from their perspective, is synonymous with being scaled for it) I take issue with the accusation that they are lying.

Edit to add: Whenever I wear my green woolly pully, I am always asked if I was issued it. I can honestly answer yes, regardless of what uniform scaling policy for my profession says (or has ever said).

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I still love my Norgie.

Thread drift.

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Norgie and the new softie jackets Cold Weather. Toastie

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Me too. They look great under a green woolly pully (better than a PCS-CU shirt, anyway).

Will I be automatically selected since I am 1 of 3 who haven’t been and there are many places?

There are 5 places. 3 cadets haven’t been and are cadets who engage in Sqn activities and churchy things. 6 cadets want to go. Guess who we choose first? Correct, those who have not flown.

So there’s a good chance you will be chosen unless you are a cadet who doesn’t engage with activities, then spaces will be given to those who do. No harm in asking staff as we often get cadets asking if they are on the list.

Is it best if I email or ask in person?

As with the shoes topic, use your initiative, don’t expect to be spoon-fed. Ask other cadets? Use your local resources / knowledge - your OC might prefer emails so that they don’t forget details; on the other hand, they might prefer the personal approach.

Have a think about which option is going to come across better.


I would be wary of assuming, staff can’t always track everything and sometimes things are overlooked. A key indicator would be how enthusiastic we know someone is about something - someone that’s never been flying but we don’t think has ever shown an interest may be forgotten about when allocating.

If you aren’t sure about approaching a specific member of staff directly, it is worth considering speaking to cadet NCOs or checking any information that has been released on how to sign up for who is best to speak to…

…or you can go to any volunteer that you are comfortable speaking to…

…or just knock on the office door and ask who to speak to.

Aside from that, we can speak from our experience and methods, but can’t be certain for what happens on your unit.