Laughs in nervousness knowing who worked the aircraft I’m currently flying on.
Laughs in nervousness knowing who worked the aircraft I’m currently flying on.
Yet the point we keep coming back to is the fact that Army Cadets are MOD and have no issues gliding. Are 2FTS going to put a stop to that? Will the Army Air Crops? I doubt it.
correction required:
2FTS is failing miserably at getting air cadets in the air - while the Army (and Sea Cadets) are getting gliding opportunities despite being overseen by the same MOD
So with other cadet orgs now flying seemingly more frequently than RAFAC, what actually is our current USP?
USP = You get to buy your own MTP
Made up problem - Nope FTS are following a process they dont own. Risk adverse then quite possibly hitting the right nerve on that one.
AT regulated differently
Will settle on FTS being more risk adverse which still has same result, so who has the statitics for all cadet gliding opprrunities ? As would be good to have some physical evidence to put an arguement to the grown ups
Given that Army and Sea cadets can fly perfectly happily, yes, it is entirely a made up problem solely affecting air cadets.
Sorry, you can’t defend the indefensible. We’re all monumentally fed up with the collosal show.
So if it was made up why do you think that would be? Its rather why are FTS more risk adverse than their equivalent? We also need to get the stats as there are VGS deliverying gliding but obviously not enough. Whilst venting on here may help individual get their whinge out of their system it doesnt actually fix the systemic issue of how can gliding me extended to include thise units not fortunately to he withon accessible reach of a VGS.
why do you need stats - they are able to achieve it while we can’t.
we all fall under the same MOD banner yet the flying arm of the MOD says it cannot be done…???
suggesting that the ACF is regulated differently as they are able to get civiilian flying/gliding opportunities?
which supports @GrandMaster_Flush suggestion it is a “made up problem” as the Army do not see an issue - the blocker isn’t the MOD, but the RAF’s arm of the MOD
At this point nothing will. Too many apologists out there for it.
Ok devils advocate at present cadets are currently gliding with VGS just because a few are not doesnt mean it isnt happening. Therefore it could be on someones desk that VGS are flying more cadets than army and scouts sobthat desk officer gets his tick in box, however countrywide it is a postcode lottery which is wrong. Taking peoples word on social media will not cut anyones arguement, however if there is physical evidence of where the holes are then just maybe someone will listen (cant say whether they will do anything)
Apologists or realist? Either way i get the frustration but aside from just us all being keyboard warriors what practical changes can we induce? Maybe bgc v fts is the wrong method, maybe parent v Rafac as apparently customer is always right.
Either way i wouldnt doubt the standard of bgc gliding its how the regulations are applied.
Genuine question where are the army cadets achieving their gliding is it BGC or army gliding association?
I would hope so, but that doesn’t make it a sufficient number. Aviation is supposed to be our raison d’etre.
This maybe 6 years old, but the ACF are taking the high ground whist the RAFAC are still in the trenches.
Was !
2FTS is like most things that the MOD provide, poor value for money.
Get rid of it and just spread the money to Wings, we could find 33 BGA clubs and get far more bang for our buck.
The same goes for most things from Clarity to Infrastructure.
The 3 services are always found it hard to flyvthe same way, to the army cadets advantage sonit seems. The problem isnt made up as the regulations are there, it is thevrisk management that is the issue. Beyond belief cadets are gliding with the VGS so gliding is available, but not to the whole cadet force which is a problem that needs addressing.