Funding the Cadet Experience

Or just give it to us


Sorry, in the current climate the MOD simply can’t afford the loss of income - you either pay what the other players pay or you don’t get.


Could individual Sqns do this with, for example, MTP shirts, smocks etc?

Yes. Been there. Done it. As a sqn and beyond (half the Wg at one point!). Very achievable.

Surely sqns could buy mtp in bulk and sell it onto cadets (for no profit) then, making it easier to afford?

Or CivCom takes the hit on the bulk purchase and tops up the supply chain. Both options work. One of them doesn’t cost the cadets, but does the squadron.

But we digress from funding the cadet experience!

Well yes, sqn’s could do it, and I’m sure some do already. But that relies on the already busy sqn volunteers, and only benefits individual squadrons.

I’m wondering about what can be done at a higher level to provide more funds at Corps and Region level (for example)

Would be awesome wouldn’t it? But have to agree with @angus, they won’t/can’t just right it off as charitable donations.

If we acquired things as described there are then problems with storage need a bloody big warehouse and then delivery contracts. I’m not sure HQAC could manage this sort of set up. Don’t mention RIAT as that is a small niche operation, this general kit. Also having dealt with Field Textiles and a couple of other surplus shops, some of the stuff they have is beyond poor and if the MOD haven’t got it to get rid of they don’t have it which is frustrating from the customer perspective.
Where I live there are a few people who sell online and send via Royal Mail, which means if you get the timing wrong there is a long wait at the Post Office.

Well of course @Teflon, this would be a business, with operating costs. . . And would require dedicated management, HQAC already have enough on their plate.
And of course just getting surplus may not be the answer.


What other ways can we generate more funds for corp/region level projects?

on the topic of “funding the Cadet experience”

what % of the fund goes (went) towards VGS/glilding??

pre-2014 how much dollar was VGS costing??

and how much has that figure been in each of the last 5 years??

is it the same??
given the lack of airframe hours (no fuel for Vigilant or winches), no CFAV hours (so no VA or HTD to claim) and general over heads of running a VGS “hut” i very much doubt it

what has happened to that shortfall??

shouldn’t we be asking where that shortfall has gone (has it really all been diverted into the recovery?) and why the surplus hasn’t been offered towards funding the Cadet glidingexperience?


Great questions!

We could Install advertising hoardings on every unit, and sell the space.

Sell advertising space on the RAFAC website?

Solar panels on each unit, and sell the surplus?

I’m sure i saw somewhere on a FoI that the ATC gets 22.7 million each year from the RAF.

Not sure how much of that is spent on the VGS’s though.

EDIT: According to this FoI, nothing is spent on VGS’s each year, and there are no military or civilian personal associated with the VGS’s either.

Solar panels are probably a sensible idea, especially since all cadet accomodation has a lifetime of 50 years past recommended useful life.

Not sure selling advertising space is a great idea, although we already do it in the Air Cadet magazine so i guess why not on the website.

You bought direct from disposal point/MOD?

MoD disposal agent. A few times via RAMCO, a lot via FT.

which begs the question - which budget is the recovery programme coming from?

So another Idea taken from Scouting. The Scouts took in £5.9 million last year from retail activities such as Scout Shop, Scout Insurance, Scout Adventures and Hostel/Conference hosting. Of which, £1.4 million was from Scout Adventures and Conference hosting.

Scout Adventures are open to schools, other youth groups and charities who pay for a session/day/weekend whatever of adventurous activities. Could we develop our RAC’s and WAC’s to deliver a similar role.

Obviously for RAC’s/WAC’s that are currently hosted on MoD sites, this isn’t really viable as I imagine it’d require a hideously complicated agreement between us and MoD.

As the PT used to sit at Abbey wood it’s coming out of a DE&S budget. 2FTS staff costs sit under DE&S or DFT in 22 Gp

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