Flying slots

It should be wing. 14 is Sussex, for example.

1411400024001 would be the first cadet in 2024 to join 1140 Sqn, which is in Sussex.

6411050024001 would be the first cadet in 2024 to to join 1105 Sqn which is in Hants & IOW.

But before @Giminion comes back, the topic of flying slots rather than Cadet IDs


Yeah, pretty sure that’s wrong. It’s wing. I moved Wings within the same region whilst a cadet and the first two numbers of my identifier was different to the other cadets on my new squadron.

Yep I have gone back & looked - even if it was what happened at the start of SMS roll out it certainly doesn’t happen now.

I remember something saying it was region based from adding cadets to ultilearm exams - where you typed a cadets last name & every cadet in the ACO with the same name popped up.

Sorry bout been working under a false impression for the last decade or so. :slightly_smiling_face:

Back on topic… an able young person can get solo at our nearest BGA club for less than £400 - I know specific people who have done exactly that. That’s within ‘weekend job’ earning potential and indeed I made my son work for his - all his Christmas & birthday money, too.
That compares quite well with the cost of a single AEF flight. But that’s comparing apples with oranges, really…


But what we want is the RAF to provide the apples, but also be able to pay to get our own oranges… Not just be stuck with apples.




Several of our cadets have done exactly the same.


That sometimes aren’t on sale in your area… :smiling_imp:


Would saying RAFAC is getting Scurvy be extending the metaphor too far?