Fire Safety Management System

This is a standard document set from across the defence AoR.
For Sqns on military establishments this will be business as usual, however I do see this as ‘yet another thing to do’! The initial rollout will be a hassle but then it will fall into a pattern like everything else.

Which is fine - so keep it in the defence AoR. We are CFAV’s.


Right, for people who are getting paid. Likely being done by someone who has knowledge about fire safety etc. We ain’t service personnel with paid time to do these things. We’re volunteers who want to teach kids how to map read and stuff. Not spend our time doing more paperwork we’re not qualified to do.



We’re on an ARC. This is new.


Nope when I was on an ARC the PSAO did all of this.

That’s true, it does depend on who the building custodian is really. I should have articulated that in my first post.

Is our champion CFAV Group Captain pushing back on any of this? Or is that just another yes man in a blue suit?


So. fellow CFAVs…when are they going to get us to check that each cadet has washed behind their ears before they enter the building…

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Yep, very similar to what we already do - but I ain’t doing it twice! I had to do the Building Custodians course, it was a morning via Skype and didn’t teach me anything that wasn’t already common sense - if it’s not working, report it. The RAF won’t accept the RAFAC version of paperwork and who knows whether RAFAC will accept the RAF version as we’ve not had a RAFAC H&S inspection but the two H&S Depts can fight it out between them.

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Surely the answer to that is RFCA?

We are no more custodians of our buildings than, say, a local line dancing group who use the village hall once a week to strut along to Tush Push.

My marching has been described as worse things…


I’m studiously ignoring it and hoping it’ll go away. There’s so much admin to do currently that something has to give. I know the building is checked weekly for the ACF, why on earth do I have to replicate it?

Of course he isnt.

Waste of space, yes man.

He hasnt been on a Sqn for a long time.

None of them have any idea of the WORKload to run a VOLUNTEER youth unit.

Unless you actually know them, I think that’s incredibly unfair. Of course if you do know them then fair enough, but casting aspersions on someone who might even have seen this yet seems harsh.

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What HQAC or whichever group of salaried souls giving us things to do, seem to constantly overlook the fact we have full time jobs which gives us the money to indulge our hobby and in doing so provide some individuals with nice little earners, which don’t really require them to do anything. The more they dump on people doing their hobby there becomes a point at which they get the ache and find something more interesting to do, which given how bloody difficult it is to get people in let alone anything else is just stupid. It also makes the JOB of being a Sqn Cdr a hard sell to potential successors.

On the point of the “CFAV champion” if they see something like this and aren’t saying are you nuts, this isn’t what people sign up for and others listening, then the role is really just a sham and the person doing it not really up to properly representing us at the top table. Ultimately they are a volunteer so like us what’s the worst thing they can do? I imagine they have been selected as boat rocking isn’t in their canon.

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Have any of you complaining about the champion actually raised this with him? If he’s not in the affected wing will he even know about it? We all know how good HQAC is at communicating with itself let alone volunteers when making new policy.


How long has this lead volunteer been in post?
How much communication have we had from them?

Does anyone know, what they have done? Achieved?

All I know and can testify to, is that as a Sqn oc. Every day and week, more gets added to my plate to deal with.

I am begging HQAC. Please. Please cut the admin.

I confess I’ve not read the material but if we (RAFAC) are doing this on joint units (or shared with the ACF or indeed another Sqn) are we doubling the effort?

If we’re doing it why not the ACF? And if the ACF then they as they senior service and custodians of the building (as ours seem quick to remind us whenevee there is friction and they make out we’re guest in their building) should be doing it…!

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No. Is there a mechanism for this like VoV? All I know is that this post was created, someone appointed. Then silence. But this is probably for another thread.

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He’ll have an email address, personal if not role based, should be able to find him on outlook directory.