Fieldcraft Restrictions?

True but it’s quite clear, B&W, in ACFTI 1.

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I’ve experienced it interpreted as you say first hand, btw, so I’m not pretending the problem doesn’t exist.

@dazizian Defence Writing NazisPDT_Xtremez_24


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People, wings, regions and any so called experts all need to stop being allowed to add in extra layers of admin, bureaucracy and hoops to jump through.

If the book says X.
Its X.




It’s. :woozy_face:

I would like to see all our Risk Assessments follow the SST format. Section 1: Safe Person, Section 2: Safe Equipment, Section 3: Safe Place, Section 4: Safe Practice. Then all the risks under the appropriate section - ie Safe Person: Transporting Cadets: Driver to suitably qualified and experienced to operate {x vehicle} with cadets on board. Safe Equipment: Transporting Cadets: X Vehicle to be appropriately insured, hold a valid MoT and to be visually inspected by a SQEP prior to use and continually throughout the period of use, with any defects which occur during the activity being dynamically risk assessed by the SQEP and being rectified as required. Safe Place: Transporting Cadets: Incase of breakdown, cadets to be moved to a safe area away from carriageway. X vehicle not to be taken off-road. Safe Practice: Transporting cadets: All highway code rules to be followed. Speed limits imposed on X vehicle to be noted by the SQEP.

It might give a good framework for completing risk assessments and ensuring all SST areas are covered.

I certainly advocate using the SST as a framework for any activity.

However, and at the risk of teaching to suck eggs, stating ‘vehicle to hold an MOT’ is jumping the gun in the process. The starting point is to review the hazards / risks of the activities and then to implement appropriate controls, so it might look like:

Activity: moving explosives to the training area.

Hazard: incident involving the explosives.

Potential harm: injury to crew or other road users, and damage to vehicles through fire, explosion, projectiles, etc.

Control measures
Safe Persons: crew trained with CT1.1 and CT1.2 within previous 5 years iaw DGM; explosives consigned and loading supervised by current AR; crew trained to used onboard extinguisher.

Safe Equipment: in-service 2kg dry powder extinguisher carried onboard; explosives in approved sealed ACA; vehicle in roadworthy condition.

Safe Practice: explosives loaded in compartment separate to crew; most direct route planned and avoiding E tunnels; crew briefed on emergency procedures by consignor.