DofE - how do you do it?

It will be delivered by Windsor with a co-host from the ATC, either the Corps DofE Officer or one of the Regional DofE Officers.

Ah right. Is it remaining online only? That makes things a tad easier.

Cough. Go external

Update I had was that their was no virtual option.

Yeah thatā€™s fairly pants then. Iā€™ve been out of the DofE course loop for a while now so donā€™t know what the current state of affairs is.

We had notification of an upcoming EAST course recently :man_shrugging:t2: Came down CoC asking for names.

So the Expedition exemptions have now been extended until the end of season 2023.

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Can a silver qualifier count as a Gold practise? I thought this wasnā€™t allowed, but weā€™ve just had this advertised to the wingā€¦ If it is allowed, should a Gold practise not be taking place in wild country as per the expedition should be?

Since DofE with a difference is still in play until October 2023 a Gold Practice can count as a Silver Qualifier (not the other way round). No requirement to go to Wild Country since DofE with a difference. (I donā€™t expect it to ever actually go back anymore).

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Ah, I never really got my head around these changes. Just reading up on it, this means if you go down this route you donā€™t even need an assessor for it! The supervisor can sign it off for their silver qualifier!

Also does this mean they can all go home each night too until Oct 23?

All the ones weā€™ve put through have had an assessors report.