Dire ATC CFAV decline, recruitment, and retention

Not correct. Suggest you look at the various employment cases involving CFAV’s.

And I stated majority, not all.

Care to share? Not seen any personally.

Uhh no, you come making sweeping generalised claims you come with the proof.

Show me evidence and I’ll believe you. Right now you’re coming across as exactly the type of problem the organisation could do with less of. Entitled, self-righteous, knows everything and focused on yourself. You might not mean to, but that’s what it looks like.

Bring proof and I’ll engage with you.


It could do, but also the actual organisation does have a negative impact too - it’s just here people can see it.

There is actually quite a lot of factual information presented here, certainly more than we’ll ever see from within the organisation but yes alongside that there is definitely frustration, anger, annoyance and certainly at points embellished truths.

You’re either new to the organisation or so high up you’ve never tried to challenge from within. It simply doesn’t work, as many have found out to their cost.

It’s great we’ve had someone like AOC 22 group join and engage with us, however much we might disagree, but respect is earned and not given by virtue of a position held.


Just to add, that the user in question created an account under their personal nickname rather than their position.

On here everyone is equal & we should treat each other respectfully.

Challenge the ideas, the points being made, allow for a little venting but not make things personal.

What a person thinks, feels & especially says & does about a particular matter will differ depending on whether they are acting in their personal or professional capacity.

Many of those in command of something disagree completely with a situation but understand that it’s not personal & supportive of the process & those who are making the decisions.

@Rog Your analogy to a primary school is interesting as it cuts both ways. Yes some are stamping their feet & want everything their own way that matches their own ego.

On the other hand you get others who then go into saviour effect hero worship of here is the person who is going to fix things with a magic word & click on their fingers.

It expects that an individual will solve all their problems & that the individual will spoonfeed them the answers. This then leads to the individual being flooded with information, cc’d into various different comms & asked to give thoughts, opinions and decisions on matters they don’t have the full information on. This is how management errors occurs - particularly is someone doesn’t say “stop”.

The more adult & circumspect of us understand that people are human, with different pressures, politics & philosophies. We need to act as each others “critical friend” so we can succeed together without breaking one person or having them the single point of failure.


Literally the first decision on the ET judgments website if you search for Air Cadets, is a 2019 decision where a VR(T) officer claimed they were an employee, and lost.

Mr S Mayoh Smith v The Ministry of Defence: 3307354/2018 - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)


When I was an Adult Instructor (the term CFAV didn’t exist at the time) with the ACF in the 1990s, I had a contract of employment from the Secretary of State for Defence (Michael Portillo at the time) and received a daily rate of pay, via pay parades, detailed on a payslip. It wasn’t referred as VA until several years later.


People need to get over this VRT thing…


Agreed - VR(T) is long dead by now and we need to move on

However… I still want the twiddly pins back (even as RAFAC) as opposed to the awful officer rank slides we have at present… Especially as they’re deemed private purchase by the powers that be :man_facepalming:


Especially as it’s fine on 1’s and 5’s

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Apart from VR(T) Memes.

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From a cadet’s point of view, I can tell you that I have found this forum to be everything but negative. I initially came here in search of shoe polishing, badge sewing, general uniform care advice, along with camp tips, PTS tips etc, which is what I’d imagine most newer cdts would also be searching for, and indeed do. Not only does this show their own initiative, trying to be more independent with information finding rather than the usual ‘ask sqn staff/Cdt ncos’, but also shoes them how much of a community there is regarding RAFAC. It was only after a few years, when I got more invested in the wider RAFAC sphere that I went into the more ‘grown up’ threads, and these only served in keeping me more informed. Certainly they highlighted some of the shortcomings of the organisation, but this still wants the forum being negative, just allowing cdts and volunteers to talk about something they value very much. Now I obviously can’t talk from a cfav point of view, but surely this forum would just make them aware of the issues RAFAC is facing. If they came to be a cfav expecting to have a lovely swan about in the park, and not deal with anything stressful or challenging, then would they really be the most committed volunteers? I know that the staff I have met on sqn, and come to know well definitely put up with all sorts of bull poo, but they dont get pushed away, aslong as the bull poo stays to a reasonable level. In short I think this forum is pretty brilliant. There may be many reasons for cfav and Cdt declining numbers and poor recruitment, but I doubt this forum plays a major role in it.


Except for pilots.

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Your new backed rank slides look so much better.

But the idea your rank slides should be private purchase is stupid. You do everything for free. The least they can do is pay for your work clothing.

We get one lonely pair that we can technically wear on all uniforms.

But changing colours to match is so much better :sweat_smile:

I’ve had to buy all mine

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Oooo we are entitled to one light blue set issued (at the rank your in - so you should also get them if your promoted)

Wonder if your wing just has a pile somewhere :thinking:

And that’ll do for rank slides and VRT chat please.


Well this is awkward. I knew of this Officer… Wondered what happened to him since I left the corps.

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Please feel free to search Google for employment cases.

Some will have been settled, in which case the details are available through a Freedom of Information Act request.