Consent Forms

Exactly this. If it’s looking life-threatening, I’d be on the phone to the JCCC too pretty quickly… It’d be their job to pull the data from SMS and contact the parents, not mine.

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So HQ have given us the tools but probably because during early days of SMS it wasn’t great, nobody really uses this.

So AEFs & other flight activities are unaware that this is available because no one brings it and everyone uses TG forms as the AEF don’t ask for the printout.

It’s an interesting paradox -We don’t want to spoon feed the organisation but at the same time make sure people are aware of the opportunity to make things run smoother.


If people are not aware of the simpler options, then we need to better inform them so they are aware.
If people are aware but chose the unrequired, more complicated option, then they’re fools.

When it comes to any AEF which demands something that is not required by policy then we need the policy makers to “re-educate” the AEF.

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And that’s the point! Spookily, my Volunteer Portal Mandatory Training notice reminded me earlier today that I needed to do ACTO 10 training and it clearly tells us that BADER SMS has all the details on our cadets that anyone could want and that it is the medium to use for activities. In particular, it emphasises that if anything goes wrong, the JCCC can access it to contact next of kins.

I think we need the policy makers to re-educate everyone! ACTO 10 training only has to be done once (so Volunteer Portal tells me), why not annually? For sure, emphasise to AEFs etc that SMS provides everything and that users won’t bring any additional admin with them, but we also have to break the distrust circle that @Chief_Tech mentioned.


So you want yet more annual training?

The problem is that like so much in this organisation there are a 101 different ways of doing things depending on your geographic location, your Wing and who you know.

You would hope that it would be as easy as taking Corps policy and implementing it but that would destroy the empire builders in this organisation so it will never happen.

& I think that’s your solution that you can raise on VoV to RC(N).

Not only will it reinforce training it will allow procedure changes to be re-emphasised & cascaded down. It then keeps everyone current & engaged & the module it self doesn’t take too long to do.

And JCCC will contact the RAFAC contact number and leave the notification to them as I don’t think the nearest RAF duty officer will be too impressed with that landing on their desk.

My understanding is JCCC have direct SMS access, and will manage an incident themselves!

You’re not going to involve JCCC with every 492 or first aid incident. Cadet falls over bashes noggin. Apply first aid & then contacting parents before you leave to make them aware so they are prompt pick up.

If someone dies or a severely injured then yes JCCC but otherwise it’s best placed for Sqn staff to contact parents before leaving the AEF.

But JCCC inform the local DO who go to see the family and deliver the news. JCCC on duty is no more than two or three personnel and are aligned with DTCM providing services to the whole of the armed forces. Had a friend who did a tour as a mover at JCCC.

Are RAFAC with all the changes to CFC etc ‘entitled civilians’?

Have staff ha any training for such situations?

For minor first aid incidents yes in a round about way.

Ring parent keep to the facts reassure them ask if there is anything they would like us to do. Sign post GP & the rest of the organisation if needed. Got a vague idea we covered a bit of it on my OIC many years ago (20 minutes if that)

You would need to inform them regardless in the same way schools do.

Major incidents, detached limbs, deaths then JCCC (who just answer the desk).

Otherwise JCCC would be getting swamped every time any cadet across all the cadet forces breaks a finger.

I would still bet very good money that the local Poloce will get the job done long before the MOD get anything done, especially if the Cadet isn’t from Lincolnshire.


I understand the issues everyone has mentioned regarding JCCC involvement and in reality, we wouldn’t bother them for 99%+ of incidents. But that means we need to have information to hand and that in turn means we probably have a duplication of process, yet again. SMS should be our go to for information on attendees - cadets and staff - but it looks as though we end up taking hard copies as well. And that doesn’t include providing information for the places that will still ask for separate evidence of parental approval, which may or may not have been suggested by us as well.

I guess this begs the question of whether SMS is fit for purpose? Are we able to download a list of attendees with NoK contact details, indications of parental approval and useful stuff like flags that there are health considerations? It would be helpful if we could!!

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You’ve described the contacts report and aviation criteria report.

Not yet a report, but you can see the icon on-screen if you want to make a note before you go.

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I continue to be surprised how many people don’t know about the event reports…

Have you never wondered what the button does?


I think possibly what this needs is for the AEFs to have access to SMS so that we dont have to keep printing pages and pages of reports or consent forms.

If AEFs had access to Bader they could log into SMS adding all their RA’s etc to the flying event and all the cadet names could be added as normal and all the relevant details would be made available at the click of a button (Simple).

The Aviation Criteria Report shows that a cadet has a med issue, but not what that condition is