Coming Out

His dad felt let down, a common thing among parents at times.

I think we all like to think how we would react to a situation … until that situation arises.

If the son had told them first it wouldn’t have happened as I say his parents had, had an inkling for some time, and weren’t and haven’t been bothered about it, but it was for him to say something to them, not come via a 3rd party. His mum is disappointed that he hasn’t had decent relationship in nigh on 30 years.

I came out at 14 years old on a cadet camp. Naturally school followed. Then finally home.

Nothing bizarre about it at all.


I’m sure someone mentioned dinosaurs earlier.


Pretty sure the son did as well if that was the reaction.


I have to admit if any of our kids told a 3rd party something important before us we would be less than impressed and feel let down. But then we always talked about and discussed all sorts (as they got older no holds barred) at meals and other times when they were at home and still do when we get together, so hopefully they would tell us first.

Maybe parents aren’t that important to some children and they don’t give them the respect they deserve, despite the fact the majority will have been there for them patching them up, listening to their woes, being told you’re hated when you say no etc.
Regardless of how many cheap “likes” a reply to my comments get, I won’t alter my view.

The mum and dad I mentioned had an inkling their son was gay, so if he’d pitched up and said, they wouldn’t have been in the slightest bit bothered. But going through a 3rd party didn’t go well.

All those things you’ve mentioned are part and parcel of Parenthood. None of those give you the right to learn things about your children before their friends. Of they tell friends first then maybe you should be grateful that you’ve taught them how to build trusting relationships.