Cold injury training

Except in the summer, when it’s too warm to wear a windproof smock and you want a shirt/jacket/whatever the hell it’s called this week.

Where are we at now for a blue uniform with bits of MTP - a blue t-shirt?

And also the fact that sw rhq sent an email saying all had to do cold module 2. Seems a big disconnect between hqac and rhq or more likely sw yet again 'illegally adding their own twist on things.

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Hanlon’s razor; Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

I doubt this is SW RHQ “illegally adding” their own layers on purpose. It’s just a complete lack of understanding of the actual policy, it’s purpose and how to apply it. I think this is common when ‘new’ policy things like this come out.


The exact wording sent to dww by WExO below , maybe illegal was a bit strong but point is yet again rules being applied differently accidently or not is open for discussion.

Quote from WEXo

“Cold Injury Training Module Two must now be completed by all CFAV and over 18 cadets by 01 September 2024. Failure to do so will result in persons being denied permission to take part in any off-Sqn activity”.