Classifications for newbies (CIs)

So, essentially part of an induction type process?

Where is this displayed/outlined given it’s all under first class on SharePoint?!

Ah, @JoeBloggs read my mind :thinking:

ACTO 19, para 8.

  1. Cadet Basic Training Part 1 for Junior Cadets (ATC, Drill Part 1 and Security) and Cadet Basic Training Part 2 for Second Class Cadets (RAF, History of Flight and Drill Part 2) have been removed from the logbook, but are still mandatory training for all cadets. Completion of Parts 1 and 2 should still be recorded in SMS
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Thanks all

Starting the get it…


Where/what evidence do you need for BT1 and 2?

For example, do they just need to sit/watch the online video of the history of the RAFAC?

No evidence is needed, just a sign off from a member of staff on SMS to say they have done the lessons. All the lessons are on Sharepoint at the links above. Fore example, The ATC is here.

If I teach a group of cadets history of the ATC over a couple of nights, then I can sign it off as being completed! Or get the training officer to do so.

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Leading onwards as a squadron although appreciate each to their own, we usually have 1 “classification” night a month as in general we have found the ones that want to progress logon and just get it done without any encouragement and these sessions without a better phrase mop up the rest/assist with any problems. I guess it is down to your cadets however for me I always find it fascinating when asked what they have done on school holidays and the answer is often nothing others have done a classifications exam.