Civilian post nominals (plus JSP101 and email etiquette)

Just in their signature block
Something along the lines of
Preferred pronouns: they/them

I didn’t quite get it when I saw it first but now think if everyone did it, it would be much more inclusive.


I wonder where you had the convo :wink: :see_no_evil:

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A wise friend pointed it out!

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People implying there’s a “standard” is exactly the reason we need more inclusive language and influential allies, like the Cmdt


I would hope that in time it will be included into the defence writing standards and then everyone will adopt it.

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That’s exactly why I put it in air quotes. I don’t know enough to be confident in this area, but do know I can seek guidance from the Wing/Region Representatives.

In this case I’ll follow CACs lead.

It makes sense on a signature that ends in being an LGBT+ diversity advocate but does it make as much sense lumped onto the end of a block that doesn’t have that…?

Everyone can be an ally, not just LGBT advocates

Yes, I understand this, but out on a limb on its own does it make sense:

Joe blogs | phone no | adjutant 123 | him/her

Just looks a bit odd without context?

I’d say it’s more common to have:

Joe blogs (pronoun/pronoun) | phone no | adjutant 123


That looks better

That’s the whole reason why it is better the more people do it, so that those who transition and want to be referred to differently don’t feel they stand out.


Recognised pronoun list.

Recognised by?

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Whoever wrote it I assume.

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People can refer to me with whatever pronoun they like. Whether I shall bother to acknowledge and reply however…

Post nominals, yes I have some. Do I bother to use them ordinarily for work or Cadets? Nope. Do some people use them as the key weapon in their ‘how can I try and feel like I am getting one up and one over on someone else’ sadly far too many…

Being serious though, I feel the only post nominals that can be used across all platforms / jobs etc is those that are awarded following a trip to the Palace.

said alexw Gold D of E


Did anything official come about about the use of RAFVR(T) Ret’d when there was the change to cadet forces commission?

What post noms do you get at Selhurst Park?


VD with Bar

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