China & Russia

Surely the location is irrelevant. They’re at war. So should he not be treated as a POW, rather than a criminal?

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The Russian’s argument has always been that foreigners fighting for Ukraine are mercenaries, and therefore not subject to the same protections as combatants.

To call it dodgy ground would be an understatement, but understanding that mindset makes their approach make more sense.

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In my opinion war is not great but we don’t have much of a choice.

This is interesting

Poland to train all adult men in mil skills (no I don’t know why not women too - heck the best shots on my Sqn are almost always female!)

Ukraine war live updates: Trump 'considering large-scale sanctions and tariffs' on Russia after wave of strikes on Ukraine - BBC News


Putin is many things, but he’s not an idiot. He knows that NATO will not launch a first strike on Russia, and I doubt he has any intentions of launching a first strike on NATO if he can avoid it, as it will mean Russia gets nuked too. Ukraine isn’t Russia, so most of what NATO would do there he can spin somehow to avoid having to nuke anyone.

It will be interesting to see what China does now though. They’ve long been seen as…not the enemy, but not particularly friendly either. They have a golden opportunity to change their position on the world stage. Will they take it?

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Not the Chinese way.

To paraphrase, best not to interrupt the enemy when they are making a mistake.

China plays a very long game.


At this point, China is probably patiently waiting for the orders to come in from anyone boycotting or getting hit with tariffs by the US.

BYD are probably feeling good right now.

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I toyed with getting one!

China entered into a phase a few years ago where they reap the benefits of all the outsourcing the rest of the world made.

Unsurprisingly, if you pay people to do a certain thing for long enough then they get pretty good at it…

Then they start making their own stuff (occasionally taking inspiration from your designs).

Also, costs in China re far lower and health and safety considerations are not at the top of the list. China also has food pricing controls on all the staple foods.

Waiting for Putin to say no and the urine-drinking POTUS to tell us how it’s Zelenskyy’s fault.