Camps Anxiety

I served at Boulmer twice in my Air Force days.Its a great camp to visit.The surrounding countryside is gorgeous(but then im biased)…The permanent staff go out of their way to give visiting cadets a good experience.The accommodation is good and your staff will enjoy the messes.So now you know what to do.Get your name down and get up to Boulmer and have a great time.

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Have done Boulmer three times; once as Camp Comm. I think it is one of the best, other might think different; you make of it what you do.

No flying now the Sea Kings have left; that was always a good experience for the cadets. Shooting across on Tech Site.

When we went; swimming in Alnwick, a nice walk along the along the coast to Craster and, for those Harry Potter freaks out there, a trip to Alnwick Castle.

Just hope it doesn’t rain. When we were there the cadet accom was across the road and the road to accom was prone to flooding. Officers Mess did get flooded :wink:


if any staff are going up to Boulmer, do please ring the RLO at Otterburn range - theres often good stuff going on. the RA use it for 105mm, 155mm and GMLRS, its well worth getting some cadets on the shoots and they really enjoy it - fantastic day.