Cadet Medication

Tablets should be a new
I have something to say

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If we canā€™t give out paracetamol, how come we can sell Topic bars? You can buy both of them in Tesco after all! :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

All this talk of sharing @Paracetamol and heā€™s gone silent. Is he hiding in case we give him to a cadet?


I tell our accident prone cadets / cadets with regular aches and pains, period pains to get their parents to write it on a TG23 form that they can take paracetamol (or ibrufen) as needed. Then bring their own and take it as needed.

For me I wouldnā€™t ever give medications out to cadets - even over the counter. They may not know theyā€™ll have a reaction. Not even the old way of Iā€™m not giving it to you but you may find a pack laying on the side.

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I find people who do that to be ridiculous quite frankly.


Exactly. Youā€™d be far better having an honest, up front conversation about it so that you can make an active decision that you can back up.

With my road Marching hat on. My JIs will say you must have a FA kit with your own painkillers. They are your responsibility but you must tell me when and how much you are taking.

I donā€™t allow cadets to exchange tablets with one and other. They soon learn to improve their admin if they have forgotten something.


They can legally buy OTC medication at any age. Supermarkets will enforce an age limit for paracetamol etc but pharmacies will usually not.

These sorts of questions are exactly why we need a policy/guide on medications. Iā€™ve said it for years.


They could include it in the Medical and First Aid cover etc policy that was talked about as really being needed in a couple of threads recently :wink:

No not hiding.
Ive had a few things going on in personal lifeā€¦ just had to square the circle and sense check realityā€¦ etc etc blah blah.
All is ok.

A clear policy in B&W on this in an ACP would be helpful.


Glad to hear youā€™re ok

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Elderly parentsā€¦
Say no more.

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