
As he should. It’s a training establishment.

Abide by the rules for three months then hit unit and grow the beard.

Why does it being a training establishment mean anything in particular?

I’d just like to say for anyone reading my initial comments on this subject, I was wrong and I apologise. Without beards we are nothing and without us, our beards are nothing.


You’re being introduced to the military lifestyle.

Basic training is nothing like the real job. There is a huge amount of :ox::poop: factor there. Whilst the military bearing is being ingrained I see no reason why it shouldn’t be enforced. Phase two onwards, sure, whack a beard on.

This is coming from someone who is bearded. I’ve worn one since the rule was lifted in the RAF.

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Get that…but that should be in the regs then.

A RSM just chosing not accept a policy is a different thing though


And the beards are go!

But just because training is fiddly doesn’t mean it has to be obnoxious. There’s no reason, given the wider army now allows beards, to ban them for the first few months.

It’s a recruiting tool to show the Army isn’t stuck in the 1970s, defeats the object if the first thing you’re met with is some sheep shearers :joy:

Same as the SWO being the arbitrator on station.
Local orders can add on, but not detract, from policy.

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Military doesn’t have a recruitment problem. It has a retention problem.

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Do you not do CBRN at phase 1?

That could be a good teaching point. Let the recruits in the RCF with beards to demonstrate the rationale behind shaving in certain operational environments.

Which for those who’ve done it is an experience to say the least, and IIRC is repeated at intervals on updates each year. At the rate the world is going they are going to have to bring back Taceval in some form.


It’s has a staggering recruitment problem. Capita have been world beating in their inabiiity to meet recruitment targets that have been missed every single year since their introduction. Not once have they ever met them. Examples of just how bad it’s got

There is also a clear retention problem, likely for the same reasons people don’t want to join. Pay that has steadily declined in real terms, some pretty crap housing etc.

From my recent experience, it most definitely has both.

Is that an issue with people not wanting to join or with people binning off the application because the process is so poor?

Problems with the recruitment pipeline is not a lack of numbers.

The idea of beards having any meaningful bearing on both recruitment or retention is pretty laughable in the first instance.


I don’t really get where or why the whole recruitment thing comes up so much? It just seems to be being said as ‘this won’t help retention or recruitment’, but like, that’s not why they are doing it. They’re doing it because it’s what Soldiers and Officers both want, based on a survey a while back. I don’t think anyone really believes it’ll have any meaningful effect on recruitment, it’s just sort of a ‘gotcha’ from people in Facebook comments.


It will do for as long as it commissions Crapita to manage this system. So many lost candidates!!!

I’m in favour of the beard policy. Before the change of policy in the RAF there were some really terrible beards being worn by people with shaving chits: once you didn’t have to shave, there were no standards to follow. We’re talking everything from Musketeer style moustache and soul patch to full ZZ Top beards. Since the change in policy there are certainly more beards, especially on senior officers, but the standard is much better.

Despite not being able to grow a full set myself, due to some scar tissue, the following does not come from any kind of beard envy — but I do question the spirit of ‘service before self’ in someone for whom shaving is a reason not to join.

Oh I agree. But it’s not a numbers wanting to join issue.

@JoeBloggs it’s touted as such when commanders brief it down. Yeah, everyone apart from the crusty old boys want it. No problem with bringing it in what so ever.

@JustCallMeFlight absolutely in agreement with what you’ve said there. Except the not being able to grow a beard part. My det beards are glorious.


Set beards maybe glorious but does CinC Home Command set stands before she will be seen out with you?