did…was canx 2 years ago due to cost
This is one of the linked problems.
Most places that could hold the numbers are likely to be commercially-based = potential cost, or no poor weather shelter option. A lot of these places are outside of a main conurbation (for obvious space / parking reasons), so the “pomp & ceremony” or parading through a town / city (with associated PR + parents viewing) would be missed out.
Big churches / cathedrals, on the other hand, are normally well placed in a town / city = good for a parade / march through the roads + ability to take the numbers. However, the use of a religious building would obviously be a disappointment to some.
Don’t think that there will be a happy medium that will fit all circumstances.
Special K strikes again……
Do regular units not have non-denominational chapels or the sort?
Or even the gymnasium on an RAF Station like the one Cosford has.
We’re the RAFAC (For now…) lets make the most of it
Well it is ATC Sunday rather than Air Cadet Sunday
Town halls, guild halls or community theatres or even suitably sized churches hall could do the task but it is very variable
Tbh, I simply don’t see a connection between celebrating the formation of the ATC and going into a church.
‘i like those raspberry flavoured mushroom sweets…’
‘yeah, me too - it’s why I wear this diving mask…’
Just, what?

And the whole point of the event has nothing to do with religion.
The whole point of the event has nothing to do with a parade either…but that is the default solution most seem to pick.

Tbh, I simply don’t see a connection between celebrating the formation of the ATC and going into a church
(aware of the irony!)

Well it is ATC Sunday
given it is designated as the anniversary of the ATC’s formation, it makes sense for it to be ATC Sunday.
my CCF history is poor, so can’t say when they formally became a “thing” and is no better than the ACO/RAFAC history when the two were combined under one umbrella name…

my CCF history is poor, so can’t say when they formally became a “thing”
Air sections of the OTC/JTC popped up in the late 1920s & were formal affiliations by mid 1930s so it will be the 100 anniversary of RAF air cadets some point in the next 5 years or so.
So… today is the day.
What are you doing to celebrate on your units this evening?
I’ll celebrate by joining the All CFAV dial-in this evening,
Anyone want to put together a bingo sheet of phrases?

What are you doing to celebrate on your units this evening?
Nice bit of Air Rifle
I’m doing the same…
Yes this years one has gone (alas) for LaSER
Im going Scuba Diving cant find my mask though… gotta buy a new one i guess
We did it by Sector this year, which seemed to work well - copes with not getting 100% turnout! WingCo found it useful opportunity for an address (his first - he’s new!) and the High Sheriff “reviewed” for first time too. Added some Hindu prayers this year which were notably more beautiful than some Christian ones A church where we can parade outside offroad helps… Having a bigger group makes it harder to prep Cadets in advance tho (e.g. leading prayers, or talking about highlights of the year). Had RBL+RAFA for first time too! We’re all “buddying up” as veterans age… definitely copying things from BoB commem., incl. the bunfight! Others had their “pres. night” same day. Still feels weird not being the Accession weekend. Shame my former CWO couldn’t make it - Air Ministry Warrant from 1958…