Army & Sea Cadets Media teams smashing it again

In sea cadets this is what happens as the whole area is regarded as a company commanded by a major with the troops being c/Sgts or Lts.

The rank conventions for units went out decades ago due the changing in size of units, brigades are no longer commanded by brigadiers, regiments no longer have 10 companies of 250 soldiers. Groups are commanded by AVMs, not by group captains.

Sqns are analogous to companies so make sense they are commanded by captains/flt lts.

You’ve raised the point before and with the countless examples across the military & cadet forces contradicting your points, perhaps the bases assumptions from which you’ve made your extrapolations are incorrect.

I appreciate that you are an intelligence reservists but perhaps there is a need to consider alternatives sources of data rather than that which matches your conclusions?

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Standby for the ‘anti-flying suits on cadets’ brigade to jump in here!

Sqns are indeed analogous to companies and that’s precisely why they’re commanded by sqn ldrs (or higher, for flying sqns), in the same way that companies are commanded by majors (not captains). There are always exceptions, but these prove the rule.

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Appreciate they’re technically out of scope of this thread, but interesting to see the Air Scouts make my Facebook timeline given that I’ve never interacted with a Scout post.

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I’m most amused that there is two (almost identical) photos in their of one of the leaders in front of the Typhoon, and one was clearly not meant to be uploaded :joy:

Bit of a tangent but the latest British astronaut is an ex Sea Cadet and RN reserve.

This podcast from the Centre for Army Leadership is an interesting listen.

Dr Victoria Carr is a head teacher, Army Reserve officer … and was an Air Cadet.

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Sea cadet do field craft & flying - looks like they had fun!


Next thing you know, they’ll be flying drones. . .

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That looks awesome!

Hopefully they have staff that can hand out PPE…

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Will you lot stop posting things to try and convince me to transfer to the puddle jumpers

They may their fancy boat station, but it won’t be as good as our aviation academy at Syerston!

Whatever happened to that? Which high ranking former officer made a load of money off the failed project?

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Puddle Pirates

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Fish heads.

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A very similar academy did open within the last couple of years in Newark, which is only just down the road. It’s also immediately next door to Newark Castle train station.

I wonder if a decision was made somewhere that the academy should be somewhere that people are actually able to get themselves to?


Why can’t we build our own accommodation and not rely on the RAF and DTE for places to stay. Why can’t we build and run our own activity centres near where the cadets live.


:pound: :pound: :pound: :pound:

You mean… like a Rugby Club…