Army & Sea Cadets Media teams smashing it again

And you have to miss a turn each time you land on them

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ACF post for International Women’s Day

Seen nothing from our national social feeds? Or have I just missed it?

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Technically a day early for the Army, let’s hold out we see something tomorow. The main RAFAC account are normally good at putting things out for it. Although I suppose nothing wrong with celebrating whenever or for the week :woman_shrugging:


it is live now - Facebook

International Men’s Day is not recognised by many governments or the UN. Why do should we be bothered about IWD?

Tell me you’re a cretin, without telling me you’re a cretin.


Because 2 women a week are killed in the UK by a partner or ex partner on average. At least 1 in 4 women will experience domestic abuse in their lifetime. Because gender pay gaps still exist. Because women are routinely discriminated against across the world.

  • International men’s day is recognised in this country.

  • Part of International Woman’s Day is about combating perception & addressing the unconscious bias.

  • it’s a good opportunity to show case the RAF AC on social media

  • it gives confidence to female cadets about what they can achieve in an organisation that they make up a third of and can be a bit macho oriented.

  • it helps stop the organisation become a boys club


Half my uniformed staff team is female and my NCO team is also split 50:50.

The challenge (for us) is getting more girls to join. That needs role models and positive publicity.

Those who do join tend to do well, stay longer and reach more senior rank.


Whilst I agree with your comments, one third of DV is fe/male on male. That DV may not just be physical but psychological as well

Domestic Violence, not Developed Vetting.

Yes, I really had to take pause and remind myself.

As someone who has lived through female on male DV both as a child of the marriage and as the victim I get what you’re saying, but let’s not turn this into a “who has it worse” thing. There are plenty of things worse for men, just look at suicide stats for instance. But that shouldn’t prevent us from marking that in many other ways women have things worse. Let them have a day to focus on them, and we can have international men’s day when it comes round

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I don’t disagree at all.


And back on topic it’s good to see the social media team on it today

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2 points - I work in the field and also train other professionals, so I do know about the differences but others might not, so thanks for highlighting it. It’s important to remember that, and that around 1 in 4 gay men will experience abuse and 1 in 3 lesbian women, as well as 1 in 6 heterosexual men.

Also, we call it abuse rather than violence as violence can be such a small part of one’s experiences that it excludes some people from recognising the behaviour as abusive if it isn’t physical.

But that’s not why we’re here, but I’m happy to move to a new thread or PM :slight_smile:


So on topic but a slightly different

The Eastern Area sea cadets have done a reorganisation of their districts & troops. What’s nice is the clear comms on their Facebook page so that everyone, cadets staff & parents are all aware of where everything is & who is charge of what.

I think the marines have got the names about right but the district names in the area might be a bit confusing….

Massive geographic area considering they have a Cdr for the district (major for same area of marines) & we have higher ranks for a smaller area.


Sea Cadets. Putting aviation back into the cadet forces.

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Very odd that they call units commanded by majors troops. Troops would usually be around d 30 marines, commanded by a subaltern or captain. Majors command companies.

It’s like the opposite of the RAFAC disparity with JOs commanding ‘squadrons’.

Wasn’t the FAA’s motto Fly Navy? I’m sure I had some stickers with it on back when.


Fly Navy, sail Army, eat Crab or fly Navy, sail Army, walk sideways.