Army & Sea Cadets Media teams smashing it again

Than getting cadets active and involved in their own development through activities and networking?

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VoP is a well-meaning thought, and I mean no ill-will against anyone who set it up or mans it, but it’s far too concerned with pleasantries and niceties.

For real change to happen, it’s essential that people can say what they see

I am not arguing against your point, I totally agree but unfortunately all those wonderful activities that we aim to provide to the cadets to give them a full experience are not entirely available due to a number of restrictions whether that be national or local restriction.

The powers at be need to find a way to break down these barriers, to empower volunteers which in turn will improve CFAV morale and allow us to provide significant improvements to the cadets experiences.

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Front line CFAV are treading on eggshells and tripping over themselves with burdensome formality so as not to catch flak, causing them to dance around topics so nothing is adequately ranked for severity nor treated with sincerity.

… while some of those who reply (or indeed don’t bother to reply) get to forego courtesy and fob you off.


Nail meet head…


Am I the only one here who doesn’t k ow what VoP is?

Anyway, there was something said about media and PR earlier on, I think…

I’d argue that, under Astra, it’s the perfect time to reset the system.

As an organisation we have many stakeholders; the principle one, of course, is the RAF itself.

But our actual customers, don’t get a look in regarding the direction, their future, or the future of the organisation. Instead, the RAF are driving things forwards around their own priorities and agenda. That’s great - they are our principle funders and sponsors… BUT… they also need to listen to other Stakeholders; CFAVs, Parents and Cadets. And I don’t see a consultative approach within it - and I don’t see CFAVs or Cadets being valued in it.

A classic and recent example;

The OC 22Gp updated the ASTRA intent document on SharePoint. “THIS IS THE MISSION”. No selling of said mission. Just read it and crack on. No video helping explain things. No podcasts or webinar. No opportunity for discussion. No face to face time with CFAVs who will be delivering said mission to ask questions. No cascaded briefing for staff or cadets from any of the SMT. And no opportunity to feedback from our principle customers either - those who will be experiencing the journey - and no challenge to see if it’s a journey they even want to be a part of.

It’s directive, mission centric leadership. Great for the RAF… but is it great for RAFAC? Is it great for getting volunteers to buy into things? Is it consultative, engaging or participative? Maybe the actual ASTRA thing we need is a massive shake up of the system…

The ASTRA definition on the website is…

Astra is the name that has been given to the Royal Air Force’s journey together, building the Next Generation RAF

I’d argue that it’s the together element which is being overlooked within RAFAC. And it’s significant. How does this change? Consultative, participative approach - doing with, not too.

In stark contrast…

Two weeks ago, all Sea Cadet parents received an email and survey monkey which asked about our feelings about the Sea Cadet Corps. How it impacts on our children. Whether we feel they are a safe organisation. Do they respond well to feedback on a local, regional and national level. Whether SCC is making an impact on our childs confidence, health, wellbeing, selfesteem, motivation. They wanted to know if we felt our children were valued as SCC members. Whether the academic training is rigorous enough - and do we feel it is of value. Do they have fun every parade night. Are the SCC CFAVs inspiring. There’s were free text fields so they could capture information that wasn’t just a scaling issue.

I’m told there will be a similar “state of the nation” survey for CFAVs in due course.

And this isn’t an isolated thing - the SCC do these feedback events every year.

Imagine having an organisation that actually took onboard, valued and acted upon this level of feedback. And used this to inform policy and direction. Imagine how empowered we would feel having the ability to shape. Imagine that tick in morale! Imagine feeling like we’re actually on a journey together…


Valuing our People. Used to be Valuing our Volunteers, but someone decided that a salary wasn’t enough valuing for our CS.


I’d argue a key part of successfully engaging your cadets for useful feedback is ensuring you also keep them adequately informed of how the system works and changes that could be in the pipe.

I’m assuming cadet awareness is even worse than CFAV awareness would appear.

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The ACF double decker bus and the SCC inflatable during the Lord Mayors Show were eye-catching! (Screenshots from I-Player)

What/who do we need to/say/pay do to get an inflatable?

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What did the ATC or RAFAC have at LMS?

A very large band, who looked pretty fantastic!


To be fair, the band and marching contingents looked (and sounded) incredible, and represented the Corps well!

Personally, they were better than the bus/SCC thing


Yeah, they were great!

I think the issue is one of branding though. The ACF and SCCs things were very branded, and stood out. You can instantly see what they represent as it says “SEA CADETS” and “ARMY CADETS” in big letters. Our band, although fantastic, were not ‘branded’ in any way.

To most people, we look very much like ‘just another military band’. But we’re more than that! Do we need something to go with the band at the LMS to ‘advertise’ us a bit better? Maybe.

But the band were awesome, keep the band.


A float, suspending all band members in paper hawks…

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We made it onto the RAF’s Instagram account, if you squint :grin:


How about the red barrows?


Exactly what I was thinking.

/ red bull pier jump.

I’m sure the ATC are prohibited from using inflatables due to a bouncy castle incident - cracking branding from the ACF & SCC though and a good show demonstrating their unique area of expertise which is the point.

The Sea Cadets sail a ship over water, the ACF all clamber onto a bus to go to a random place and the air cadets are experts in all things banned. :wink: