Air Recce

I reckon this is a difficult one, let’s see how you do:


Maule M-7 of the Argintine (Martime/Naval) Air Force??

Not a Maule M-7, not Argentine, but yes, someone’s naval air arm…

Insignia looks Mexican …

sorry i meant Mexican (i’m blaming the start of the week!)

and my reasoning came from

[quote=“steve679” post=5154]sorry i meant Mexican (i’m blaming the start of the week!)

and my reasoning came from[/quote]

Yes, Mexican (though they now seem to use two anchors on the insignia!)!

Maybe IPN Tonatiuh?

Well done, I am impressed!

Whoops, double post!

What aircraft is in this picture?:

And who is the operator?

Clue: The caption will not help you!

Super Hornet? USN or USMC?? Looks like either buddy-buddy refuelling pod, but it wouldn’t have 3, just centre line pod for that - towed arrays decoys (ALE-50) on the wings maybe?

As it was Red Flag, perhaps a towed target facility for live target runs?

EA-18G Growler, EA 6 Prowler replacement

Aye, US Navy VAQ-135. :slight_smile: USMC don’t have the Growler.

Love the caption! :lol:

Aye, US Navy VAQ-135. :slight_smile: USMC don’t have the Growler.

Love the caption! :lol:[/quote]

Correct! Aircraft and unit identified!

Bringing this back to life. Anyone who’s better at air recce than I am want to tell me what I’m looking at?

There’s an air festival this weekend, so we’re getting a big uplift in traffic.

Easy, Mi-8 HIP. If the tail rotor is on the opposite side, then it’s an Mi-17.

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And for Peru’s budget-friendly version of the Red Arrows?


KAI KT-1P Woongbi at a guess??

That does look like it.

And for the pound shop version of the budget-friendly Red Arrows?

I hate to be that guy, but recce is reconnaissance and not recognition.