I reckon this is a difficult one, let’s see how you do:
I reckon this is a difficult one, let’s see how you do:
Maule M-7 of the Argintine (Martime/Naval) Air Force??
Not a Maule M-7, not Argentine, but yes, someone’s naval air arm…
Insignia looks Mexican …
sorry i meant Mexican (i’m blaming the start of the week!)
and my reasoning came from
[quote=“steve679” post=5154]sorry i meant Mexican (i’m blaming the start of the week!)
and my reasoning came from
Yes, Mexican (though they now seem to use two anchors on the insignia!)!
Maybe IPN Tonatiuh?
Well done, I am impressed!
Whoops, double post!
What aircraft is in this picture?:
And who is the operator?
Clue: The caption will not help you!
Super Hornet? USN or USMC?? Looks like either buddy-buddy refuelling pod, but it wouldn’t have 3, just centre line pod for that - towed arrays decoys (ALE-50) on the wings maybe?
As it was Red Flag, perhaps a towed target facility for live target runs?
EA-18G Growler, EA 6 Prowler replacement
Aye, US Navy VAQ-135. USMC don’t have the Growler.
Love the caption! :lol:
Aye, US Navy VAQ-135. USMC don’t have the Growler.
Love the caption! :lol:[/quote]
Correct! Aircraft and unit identified!
Bringing this back to life. Anyone who’s better at air recce than I am want to tell me what I’m looking at?
There’s an air festival this weekend, so we’re getting a big uplift in traffic.
Easy, Mi-8 HIP. If the tail rotor is on the opposite side, then it’s an Mi-17.
And for Peru’s budget-friendly version of the Red Arrows?
I hate to be that guy, but recce is reconnaissance and not recognition.