Accomodation for the Regulars Etc

There were massive issues across the entire proposal, not just Officers were going to have to downsize. Whatever option they go for, someone will be unhappy but it really did need a realisation check long before it got to where it did.

We’ve been lucky overall, we’ve had some poor housing but it’s been liveable apart from one that was utterly riddled with mould it nearly killed me but years of neglect to maintenance contracts is not going to be fixed overnight. We have ten on our road alone getting full refurbs but even then, it still won’t cover the requirements for the new Sqns getting stood up for the new aircraft.

Opening up the eligibility for housing when there isn’t enough houses as it is wasn’t thought through. It’s currently one out, one in at our current posting, where are they going to house everyone else who wasn’t eligible but would be under the new offering?

Next week will be our third move in six years. Buying and selling every two years just isn’t realistic, not to mention the difference in house prices, we’d get a one bed flat, if that, at our last posting. My career is in tatters with the regular moving which doesn’t help on mortgage applications either.

Encouraging people to rent in areas where rental properties are like rocking horse poo was never a viable option either. Locals can’t get a rental property up here, people are literally fighting over them.

The whole housing system is screwed. It needs massive investment, it needs money spent to bring houses up to standards that private rentals have to adhere to, it needs money to invest in new houses as there just isn’t enough to offer everyone what they wanted. Only then can they look to bring in a new housing model otherwise it’s just empty words on a policy.


Good article.