The cadet experience
…to an increasing number of young people (50,000 by 2018) and so inspire young people to learn and develop new skills.
… to as many young people as our resources, financial and human, can sustain, inspiring them to learn and develop new skills
Removed the increase to a set figure – recognition that as big as the RAFAC could get it still needs to be supported by the same system, with the same budget, resource, Squadrons and CFAV despite the ever growing squeeze and reduction on all of these.
The Adult Volunteer
To sustain and improve the Organisation and so provide the best possible support to our adult volunteers, to minimise risk and deliver safe activity to cadets.
Sustaining and improving the RAFAC in order to provide the best possible support to our staff and volunteers so as to minimise administrative processes, manage risk, and deliver safe activity to cadets.
Specific mention of minimise admin processes
From here on in very difficult to offer direct comparison as the two documents differ in style, however points to pick out of the 2025
- Define the minimum offer of activities that should be made available to every cadet on each unit.
- Provide cadet gliding and flying opportunities via approved civilian providers in as many locations as possible.
- Maximise the quantity of flying and gliding opportunities being offered by AEF and VGS.
This to me sounds like
1 we can expect real change in what flying/gliding looks like in the RAFAC - i wont hold my breath just yet
2 prescribing what Squadrons are to provide as a minimum. (how this will be measured is another story, “offering a navigation walk” or a “shooting opportunity” and offering enough places for all are two different measures. Offering 10 places/year for 40 Cadets is “offering the activity” regardless of the success rate.
- Remove all unnecessary admin processes and standardise and minimise all necessary processes.
- Invest in and develop improved Electronic Ways of Working.
- Develop standardised, generic TORs for all key CFAV roles.
- Develop a Complaints Process that is transparent and clearly understood by all.
Sounding optimistic now but does read as a “must and desirables” list written by the CFAVs rather than wishes and hopes from the Ivory Towers (it is not as that list is impressive or gains brownie points with those up the chain)
“to Deliver, where possible, dedicated cadet accommodation at all RAF MOBs.”
Is this not what we understand as RACS? With the loss of stations by 2029 will there be enough Stations open to have more than 6/one per region?
“to Deliver a replacement for the No 8 cadet rifle.”
Interesting this is in the vision released in 2017 – this could be seen as an “easy win” given the roll our started in 2017 but does worry me that its 7 years away to complete the “delivery” and interesting is doesn’t specifically indicate the L144A1
- Continue to engage our Royal Patron and Honorary Ambassador to promote the RAFAC.
sounds like we can expect to see more of Kate and Carol!