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Start Here - WelcomeWelcome to the Air Cadet Central Forum. Air Cadet Central has been around since 1998 supporting Cadets and Staff from around the globe.
CadetsThe Cadet is the most important person in our Corps... An area that is for just the Cadets.
Adult StaffA category for Staff to get together and discuss Staff related subjects
Civilian CommitteeA space for Civilian Committee members to use and for everyone to talk about Civilian Committees and their role and function
InternationalThe place for Air Cadets and Staff from Cadet organisations outside the UK
EveryoneHere is a place for Cadets and Staff alike to get together.
ACC WiKiA re-imagination of the classic ACC Wiki. This section contains articles that can be edited by all users and commented on in the same way normal posts can be discussed.
Non Air CadetsA section for anything that's not related to the Air Cadet Organisation. Either in general or in one of the sub-sections.