VR(T) Commission Change

I guess some sort of authority over the officers & men placed under one’s command will be required; or what will happen to the chain of command? Summer camps?

Would still like to see it officially as nothing down CoC as yet.

Is there any official correspondence out of any Wing or Region?

Warrior’s post earlier in this thread is a copy of a document ref RFC/Y&C/28 that was sent round his wing (and mine, though for all I know we could be in the same wing) last week. I didn’t see the email thread so I don’t know the previous distribution - it may have come from a sharepoint somewhere.

Not like it’s a slip of the keyboard is it? Might be subconsciously done, along the same people who do:
Royal Air Force
In their signature block.

Interesting point.

Hypothetical situation (off the top of my head) on annual camp:

Regular airman chatting up a female cadet and getting a tad amorous. A CFAV with a Cadet Forces Commission goes to intervene and politely requests that the airman gets on his bike. Airman responds with a [I]‘you’re only a cadet officer and you have no authority over me’[/I] and carries on.

We can instruct the female cadet to withdraw but that might appear to be all we can do with a CFC. That and go whining to the ACLO\DACLO rather than being able to deal with the situation effectively, there and then.

Tbh, I can’t see that a VR(T) vs CF commission is actually going to make much of a difference in that situation.

I’ve always held that my rank (or lack of) would have no bearing in my disposition of situations such as that. If an LAC or CAS himself was out of order I’d intervene and the scuffers can sort out the details.


I’ve long taken the view that it’s not rank or appointment that works in such situations, its confidence, moral outrage and not a little barely disguised aggression.

Regardless of the nature of your commission (or lack thereof…) if you bawl out a 25yo SAC for getting frisky with a 17yo cadet, then neither the SWO or Harry Stash is going to be get all excited on the SAC’s behalf, and if they have daughters then the SAC can look forward to a career manning the gate at RAF South Georgia.


I suspect that in said situation it’s very much going to come down to the individual and their personal presence which lets be honest is what it would come down to now.

I doubt you would have any issues in that department Gunner and neither would I. Some wet behind the ears 20 year old is going to struggle in that situation no matter what their status.

In that situation, a CFAV of any rank, commissioned or not, has “authority” over the airman, as he would find out when he has the matter reported to his CO.

True but surely a refusal to obey would be a more serious matter if directed towards a commissioned officer than a CI?

I agree once the snowdrops get involved it’s probably academic…

Probably, but someone of that ilk would probably say the same to a cadet officer with the commission they currently have.

Does anyone know what is happening with new applications to the RAFVR(T)? I heard along the grapevine of someone recently being awarded their commission so they must be still taking on applications, however, this seems fruitless if they are being stopped for ATC staff come April 2017.

Applications are still being encouraged as no one knows what the new process is and nobody dares placing a temporary halt on new officers.

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Business as usual currently, and those appointed after 1 Apr 17 will get the new Cadet Forces Commission who knows if this will be CFC(RAF) / CFC(Army) / CFC(RN) or RAFCFC etc.

Also no news on any potential changes to the commissioning process, although a recent ATF attendee indicated that we might revert back to boarding by RCs with no OASC.

Based on that some might say it is worth delaying, but if you get in now you could be one of the last commissioned into RAFVR(T)

I’d put decent money on nothing changing in the process in the immediate future - I genuinely doubt that a cadet commission granted in July 17 will have been arrived at in a different way to a VR(T) commission granted in December 16.

It is simply too difficult to put the arrangements in place - and find the necessary resources to carry them out - in, I would think, the next 12 months.

What will eventually happen is a tea leaves job - far too many variables to work through including empire and money…

While I have no inherent issue with the OASC route we use at the moment, it seems unlikely to me that this will be used in the future. The new commission is a purple, cadet-forces commission and the single-service OASC process therefore seems inappropriate. It could remain but would that make our route harder (or possibly easier) to take for the same goal?

I wonder if a new process and set of expectations for the commission will be drafted, providing balance across all of the CFs. Would that then be something that the RFCAs would manage (not sure if that is hilarious or terrifying) or could we indeed come back to the whim of the local OF-5

Good point, I think I will continue with my application then!

This on sharepoint

where about is it on sharepoint?