VR(T) Commission Change

Wonder if we coulv get away with just turning the old "A"s upside down :S

Do you really think they’ve ever understood the people who volunteer?

“What label on the uniform?” - Deckchairs. Titanic.


There is no point in engaging people on critical points of the change as that will just end up with an ill-informed mass having a turd-throwing contest - at least this way you are being engaged on something that, on the face of it, needs little background understanding, even if it turns out to be every bit as futile.

Drawing a parallel to the SCC exclusive use of the wavy lace is all well and good, but I see one fundamental flaw in that plan

The wavy lace USED to represent something else but NOW it represents the SCC. There are no acryonyms involved, it’s just a pattern of braid.

VRT pins actually have letters which identify the wearer as a member of the RAFVR(T) - You won’t be members of the RAFVR(T) any more.

"What does the ‘VRT’ stand for?

“Oh, it stands for ‘Air Training Corps’

“How does it stand for ‘Air Training Corps’? The letters are ‘V’, ‘R’, and ‘T’

Well those who are involved in the ATC are Very Rarely Trained
 there is some link :joy:


Touché :wink:

blah, blah
must be ten characters
 Can we turn off this stupid minimum character limit?

So on the survey one option is ‘RAF CADET FORCES’

If we stay with lapel pins for 1s and 5s we will need wider lapels :grin:

What will our Post-nominal letters be? :slight_smile:


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gonna need a bigger cheque book :frowning:


I must remember to update my name on facebook.

Our shoulders will be reminiscent of Kenny Everett’s General Cheeseburger’s medal ribbon.


Need a new brass door sign too - wonder i we can claim costs from from HQAC? And my personalised VRT registration is now worthless.

Then there’s the tattoo


Easy enough to ad “Ex-” to the front, unless it is tattooed somewhere with space constraints :wink:


Could always go for VT, and just lose the reserve bit


That might give people the idea we’re bringing back asr launches

RAF Vosper Thornycroft

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I’m going to need to bus a new mug

Does this mean I’ll get a third commissioning scroll?

Yore that old you got one from the King?