VR(T) Commission Change

It will if lots of people do not renew their commission in protest

Protest at what? Nothing practical is changing apart from the removal of being subject to the Air Force Act (a good thing?) and a change of lapel pins.

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Just getting precious about losing their membership of the RAF and “downgrading” the commission.
I’d be as precious had they dragged SNCO/WO out of the ATC and into VR(T)

Whatever way we look at it, CFC is a debasement of the RAFVR(T) commission. The transition period will be interesting, as the ACO is going to have to operate a two tier system while current VR(T)s wait to retire or expire.

Even if it’s not said out loud, everyone is going know that Plt Off Blogs CFC is inferior to his Plt Off RAFVR(T) counterpart.

We have no idea how people will react but to dismiss the potential for people at all levels to say no thanks as being childish is not a good attitude to adopt and is like sticking your fingers in your ears, shutting your eyes and going la la la la la and hoping it all goes away.
Without a contingency for potential problems and not expecting problems is not a good way to live. We all have things at home ‘just in case’.

Let’s imagine a scenario of say a Wg Cdr, 2 Sqn Ldrs, 5 WSO Flt Lts, 5 Sqn Cdrs and 10 sqn officers resigning their commissions or reverting to CIs. What would happen? How long would it take to recover?
OK unlikely but slot in whatever numbers you like to and it’s not a good position. A sqn losing their OC in normal circumstances (the only officer on the sqn) creates enough chaos in the system, as it can take ages to get someone else in.

So if HQAC haven’t considered all the scenarios for this change, that’s poor management. There were a few SNCOs who would have binned it if they’d become VRT.

We DON’T know the full effect of the changes, we just hope that it won’t have any effect at the coalface. Remember a few years ago - knee jerk reaction from the army that Civilians can’t move weapons and arms - result, Adult NCOs couldn’t move arms or be escorts, only VR(T). Loads of range days etc were cancelled, cadet shooting lost and 4 VR(T) needed to due the most mundane tasks due to that change which was not full thought through.

I reiterate, we HOPE there will be no effect, but we don’t KNOW until it goes through and some storeman / armourer / station commander / raf police flight etc come up with a piece of paper which says - “only RAF Reserves can do XYZ, you are not that, therefore I’m not giving XYZ permission to you”

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I wonder how deeply RC(N) is involved with the project or it is just goes as far as badging :wink:
It would be interesting to be able to see which work-strands are associated with the project.

Whatever way we look at it, CFC is a debasement of the RAFVR(T) commission.

Why? I don’t think it is a debasement at all. I do think it is a number of individuals getting a little bit precious about their status with the RAF when the real issue should be assuring their continued status with cadets.


I don’t know, I extract the wee about the Cornflakes Packet Commission as much as any right thinking person - and of course the 3 day Sergeant’s course - but I can genuinely understand why even completely grounded, sensible VR(T) would get the hump over it.

It is saying that you just aren’t worthy enough - that, assuming we are to believe the gossip, the work, the time, the sacrifice that thousands of VR(T) put into the ACO for the benefit of cadets is not worth the alleged hassle that a couple of loons have caused the Palace in spurious Royal petitions and the agro that causes HQAC.

This is not about the saddoes who put their VR(T) rank in their chequebook or who try and book themselves into the mess when on holiday, this is about people who’s commitment already hangs by a thread because of a mountain of paperwork, endless emails, rubbish leadership, everything being harder than it was last year and safe in the knowledge that it will be harder next year, people who already feel unvalued and barely tolerated - and then some HR genius thinks that taking away something that was always more symbol that reality, but which made people feel good about themselves while facing this wall of crap.

This isn’t silver bullet in the Werewolf stuff, this is one more straw lobbed on the camels back stuff - and I’m afraid I’m convinced that decent, non-walty staff will decide that they’ve just had enough.

Again, its not how it effects the day to day stuff - because it doesn’t - its the message that the change sends.


I take this as the single only way to protect the organisation, otherwise the MoD/Gov/HMQ will start to look at the mounting paperwork from the choppers who feel they have a right to redress over their refused excessive travel claims and can the whole lot of us to a private model (air scouts, army scouts, dead scouts). I dont take this as a kick in the privates. I don’t consider it a snub to my efforts or service. I see it as a practical way that we can all continue doing what we love, delivering that cadet experience, and a way that we can continue to do that into many future years. I’m graced with the ability to see beyond my own rank stripe, seeminly i’m in a minority.

I think part of the difference between angus’s posts and Prune’s is that there are (at least) two different standpoints. Some do still ‘love’ doing what we do and some put up with a lot of the stuff because it does still benefit cadets and we still get something out of the organisation.

I certainly don’t get out what I did 5/10/15yrs ago and that is fine, things change and I am OK with that. But the flip side is that it the pro/cons debate about whether accepting the responsibility of a commission as opposed to being a CI is becoming tighter and for some, myself included, this could well be another negative rather than anything positive.

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You are kidding yourself if you think that a change of name and T&C for the VRT is going to save the ATC. The ATC / ACO / RAF Air Cadets has been mismanaged for at least the last 7/8 years, if not much longer. In recent years we have had 2 CAC who seem to think you can treat adults like naughty children, (ref Cooper’s assertion that we have to have ‘orders’ as we can’t follow ‘instructions’), admin your way out of trouble and in our current CAC’s case faffing around on social media makes things better, and, have failed to directly address the issues facing the Corps and delivery of the ‘cadet experience’, despite constantly trotting out the line of a ‘special relationship’ with the RAF senior command. It is only the unrewarded sufferance and goodwill of several thousand volunteer staff that keeps the ATC going, lose that and the ATC will be lost.

Stopping a few hundred complaints (any less is not a problem) ain’t gonna make any improvement to the cadet experience (it may solve a problem for the RAF), and, what is so special about HQAC / ACMB that they will be able to deal with the hundreds of complaints? They can’t deal with day to day paperwork and fail to deliver on projects (or pointless, undeliverable things dreamt up to make it look like they’re doing something) supposed to deliver the cadet experience, so giving them something else will just allow them to blame that for failure elsewhere. I can see it now “oh we haven’t been able to do … because we have been up to our necks with complaints”, this will be a godsend to the incapable. The ACMB have proved themselves incompetent over the last 10-15 years and have to be thankful they work in a place where they can play ‘do you know who I am’ and hide behind a rank. Out here in the real world the people on these salaries displaying the lack of leadership, complacency and failure the ACMB are quite happy with, would have seen them “taking up a position outside the concern”. I’ve never really understood how being a senior officer in the RAF automatically makes you the best person to run a youth organisation. Given the new distance between the RAF and ATC, their RAF experience will be even less relevant than it is now.

I cannot believe that people who don’t seem to identify with any of things that face people day to day and defend the decision makers, who are totally undefendable, are on a sqn in any capacity. Things mentioned by angus are the sorts of things we can identify with and are the reasons why people leave and or come out of uniform. But it’s alright the ACMB can continue to fail generations of cadets and not care about the people under their charge as long as they are able to grab the money and run.


I like how you stitch various parts of other people’s discussions together to boost your own opinion on matters. However, yet again, I see through it. I think like GHE2 you should re evalute your position for the purpose of your own health (i.e. Leave). Or are you one of those people sacked who like to come on here and criticise the organisation because you didn’t get your own way?

OK then explain how the change will “save the ATC” and how much more efficiently HQAC will deal with the hundreds of complaints coming in and still ensure that they are able to service the day to day side of the volunteer organisation. As it is we’re practically ‘scouts’ anyway as the military side is becoming increasingly tenuous.

I’ve never heard of anyone complaining and I’ve been around long enough to have seen these or be aware of them. God knows people are quick to chat about everything and gossip about anything and if anyone had complained to HM The Queen as they’d not got satisfaction ordinarily, you’d hear about it. The only things you might not hear about are inappropriate behaviour complaints, but all of the other trivia you would,

HQAC struggle to process a few hundred bits of paper which can only require a rubber stamp now, so add in these hundreds of complaints and staff will never get their VA, HTD and travel claims. And I can’t see the assembled former RAF Officers being professionally competent to deal with them either, other than we’ve said how it is now go away. Let’s face it you cannot say they have the necessary experience etc to run the ATC or if they have it’s not been very evident.

Because they are drowning under complaints which go past HQAC level to Service Complaints or royal level (not as many). When that happens the staff at HQAC have to do further work off the complainants allegations and produce reports. Further interviews etc. This cannot be done by Wing Staff.
So, when the final say becomes HQAC, no right of further appeal. End of. Paperwork filed. Next complaint. Move on. = time saved.

Anyone asked the RAF Club what’s going to happen?

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No, but they’re not going to turn away member subscriptions - especially after putting planning applications in for extensions.

If your answer to people not liking the loss of VR(T) is leave. I suspect many will leave.


The process described is hardly dealing with it and as we will all be civilian and if people feel that aggrieved could take it outside, which will create more work than ever experienced through the old process and the potential to create a negative press.

I take it your preferred organisation is one where everyone is totally subservant and just accepts what we told to do and just walk at ‘the heel’ and run around like idiots when they throw a stick or ball. While this may be the general military model, none of us are actually serving in the military ie it’s our day job and pays our bills. If this is what they would like then the answer is obvious.

I don’t care what they call us and in fact being a ‘civvie in uniform’ like SNCOs are described seems like a pretty good thing.

No-one said they had, so I’ve just written to the secretary of the RAF club to ask if the committee has discussed this or whether a rule change is needed.

Current rules state that for full membership you must hold or have held a commission in ‘…The Royal Air Force Reserve and Volunteer Reserve (including VR(T) forces).’ Nothing about other cadet commissions.