CI conference / convention 2015

It’s not, but at the same time all they do is check your passport…

£80 CI surcharge?

the problem is very rarely proving who you are, its proving that you have legitimate business on the station. neither a passport nor a driving licence does that - an MOD90 would however go along way to help prove that.

if you regularly go to a particular station then you tend to get it sorted - unless its a moron factory like Cosford - the real problem is turning up at somewhere you’ve never been before and that isn’t on the regular Air Cadet trail, or at 6.15am at Brize for an opportunity flight…

anyway, given that they want us to go into uniform - and have presumably budgetted for that in terms of pay and training - and we’re not going into uniform, they should have more than enough left over in the kitty for MOD90’s…

You’ve forgotten the need to be escorted on some bases too…

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And on at least one base that escort can be a cadet in possession of a 3822!!!

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